Sunday 8 February 2015

Light and Love

Light/Love-the human experience

This concept is used very loosely in the world within language of the New Age-the concept of “light” being “love”—and vica-versa. Understand that this light, this love which is  the essence of "I AM/God"—is not how and what you imagine it to be. It is a continual flow of GOD CONSCIOUSNESS, a field of “energy”-it IS and  yet it IS NOT really energy at all. In fact it is akin to a spiral that keeps coiling inward and at the same time outward within existence. Think of it as the OUROBOROS –ever igniting its self within creation. This is very hard to comprehend with limited, bounded intellect-but if you allow it to enter your consciousness it will be interpreted by your oversoul.

Love/Light—is not at all like physical love, nor finding your soul mate, finding your twin flame or soul group! These aspects are important, but are simply standing as  gatekeepers towards further expansion—and you have to enter though each gate to proceed. Finding counterparts –is not finding your other-self, but finding your own self. Once found-you need seek no longer, neither do you need to be bonded, held together –for you always have been bonded within that creation of "light"—for you are, Light. 

Light is an experiential  functional manifestation, experienced as the term –"love", but it often gets confused by such words as compassion, forgiveness, mercy—and other such semantics. Not that this is not important, as this is which forms the core of soul—but it is not its functioning part—"light" is. Not like sunlight, not like daylight nor any forms of vibrating energy field—it is a “continual stream of consciousness” that is connected to "I AM/God", emanating from—the Creator.

As you progress much fall away—for the progression of soul is a step by step process through love. At this point within the coil of expansion—all of creation is at the same point, simply fractions ahead or behind an other counterpart—for remember you are "one".  Simply—one or other counter part is slightly off skew in the field—up, down or left or  right—if you want an explanation as an example.

The goal is not bliss, happiness, serenity, peace and other such positive terms—for these are the mechanics of knowing –of experiencing of growing or the better term is "expanding" into that unfolding field that "I AM/God"  whom is love. They are simply in better terms—the way, not the goal or the purpose.

The human idea of bliss—is defined in many ways, however the term cannot be defined, it is beyond definition, beyond understanding and beyond comprehension. Many when hearing this will put boundaries up against this truth—as all sparks of light, that which you are define themselves as the expression  of love—and to be happy is the ideal. However—there is something far more deep, important and soul defining—which is to recognize that "I AM"—and you are "I AM". Not searching for some un-definable truth, or human expression of existence.

It is true –that always becoming more whole is important for the journey—and essential. By this is meant that you do have to find those other strands of connection of light to different counterparts of yourself—for that is yourself. Like being aware of your fingers, hearing your heart beat or being aware of different perceptions on a soul level. That is why being—conscious, aware and within the moment is so important. Once you have connected with your parts , there is no need to further dwell on it—what IS-“IS”.
Let me remind you that –in no matter what aspect of the situation you get bogged down—be that termed as love for an other or other such experiences of the physical—you are still bogged down. Be that regarding an other soul, a situation or  an idea or an area of being. Once anything you acquire, own—can  never be lost—You think it is lost, but you simply forget to remember. Knowing and feeling your fingers every moment is not necessary once you know you have them, and know how to use them! Step then one step forward—you are leaving nothing behind—for it becomes a recognizable part of self. Do not be fragmented—meaning compartmentalized.

Thus think of love not as defined through human logic, but as a manifestation of  function of light—which is an ever expanding consciousness of "I AM"-of you; who is "I AM, ME", Myself—a fractal of light. Hold not onto any thought,  action, or experience—for as long as you are holding on you are anchored within the concept of time—the only way to be free is to have the experience—for this is a must—but then let it go—for it is not gone simply becomes incorporated within your expanding light—which is  I AM.

Be not confused though, God is--"I AM LOVE, I AM LIGHT". -but not within human comprehension, "I AM"  is the manifestation of "LOVE and LIGHT" itself. Thus you are all as such; are that.


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