Sunday 8 February 2015

Pray, meditate, contemplate

Prayers, meditation, contemplation or any other ways to connect to your higher self--to God is the key to ascension. Thus you have to be very regimented with yourself, keep ego in check though this process so as not to lose focus. The word --ascension is used far to often in a "new age" sense, but it is a road upwards into the "heart of God".  This is however is not the truth for many of you for the interpretation is simply inconceivable for human form unless you approach it with knowledge, wisdom that is residing within your higher self.  Have clear understanding of your real way--a means to your goal that you have been striving towards for millenniums. 

Prayer, meditation, contemplation or any other way is the tool whereby you will achieve acceptance of this becoming, it shall be through your faith. This is in the soul sense, not a said organized religious sense--though for may it shall be a journey by those means. If you truly believe, have faith it matters not what religion you are as long as it is in truth for you. Also it is governed by positive intention,  love and light. 

A pure heart filled with grace, compassion,  reverence, gratitude, devotion--but above all love towards all of creation--towards Divine Energy, Universal light-- God is the way to your next destination. Apart from all of these emotions and feelings within your life God cannot manifest within you, or you within God-- for nothing else exists beyond love and light of the Eternal Creator.  

Understand that you are a holy spark-- a half of a whole, part of the Eternal Fire. Seek out your other half so that as a whole you may proceed forth into the new creation of being. You are already there, but do not see--thus you have to awaken into the reality from the illusion that ego has created.

Pray, meditate, contemplate --so you may awake, so that the way maybe cleared and the true path discovered --Your dreams--are being realized, and you--are blessed to be in this position in this time in form. All living things are. Existence always had a purpose, a way and it is your choice now to proceed ahead into the new world. Your destination is in plain sight--see it.

Thus never cease to pray,  meditate, contemplate without pause, for this is the way-- and be ever connected to your Holy Creator.

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