Sunday 22 February 2015

What to expect

Now the question may arise in one`s head as what to expect? What shall this  new ascended planet look like? The point is—we are already there at the starting point, may not seem like it, but we are well into the process –one just has to know and read the signs—feel the synchronicity. I know one might say—“well there are still wars, hunger, thirst, strife, violence and hate”. Yes, however theses are the final death throes of “darkness, of fear, of uncertainty”—the death of the “old energy”. Do not panic, do not be afraid  as it is almost all over—and light has more or less won the battle. Time is speeding up- vibration is increasing, nothing is as it was or as it seems . Be not afraid! Have you ever doubted? God is love, God is light—we are children of the light—our inheritance is eternity. You think God would let us perish? Then why would he have taken the trouble to create us? No—we were not an accident but  an intelligent design for a reason.

But what right now?—what can one expect? Like Carter said when he beheld the tomb of Tutankhamun and breathlessly repeated-” I see beautiful things—the most beautiful things”—thus it is with us. When stepping in to a new dimension things happen—and fast, when we work with 44% of our DNA and not 33%  things happen, when we have ascended further into the light – things most certainly change. We can co create anything and everything we wish--with a caveat" " must have pure intention" and then even the impossible is possible, for in reality there is no impossible. The illusion that was, is now shattered, as all was just that-illusion. 

The first thing is—that we can communicate with our innate body, fully and without any obstacles. Thus –we can reprogram our DNA to work for us, as it should. Health and longevity  lies in our hands—no longer have to simply live in disease, in uncertainty and fear for we can alter the structure of our genes. Disease is a low vibration and being out of balance, out of synch all that which is life,-  which can be modified simply by will—create perfect harmony where bacteria and viruses can no longer indwell. Spontaneous remission will be the order of the day—when by chance a virus accidentally finds a way through the membranes into the body. 

Medicine—will be strictly for elongating lifespan even more- regenerating limbs , organs and other body parts when lost through accidents. Medicine will be not for dis-ease, but for the further progression of health, prevention, well being and perfectness of body, soul and spirit. Food will be healthy and geared for the individul-totally balanced and satisfying; nourishing every aspect of the human bodily need. Water, wine and herbal drinks will all have health benefits and a purpose. There will be no cravings or addiction- perfect balance will be the order of life. Our evolution has taken a giant step forward.

All money exchange will be a barter system-all will have more than enough to satisfy need--as the need will be more soul related as to material needs. Banks will be obsolete as we shall need no money, as all shall be provided- each to their capacity and need. The human view  point of life will have totally changed, is already changed on the next level of existence- as one of our foot is already there.

Intelligence will be multidimensional—not linear. Knowledge will be acquired not by reading line by line, but by simply intent and interest. Just listen to the information—and you already will know it. Intent will show what the mission of the soul is—like a blueprint it will reveal itself  as in what areas of science or sociology, medicine—or just in ordinary life to increase the knowledge, wisdom and the vibration of the energy of every facet of life. It will be to further expand the well being of the planet in every way and form. Man will be concentrating more on the well being of all its creatures—and their expansion of life. No more hunger, thirst, war—but peace and union of all living things in harmony and love will prevail. All energy will be spent on further raising the consciousness of the planet—towards the next dimension- and fulfilment of life; of joy, happiness, balance and love.

Cities will be free of aggression, killings, negativity and  suppressive governments—it will be a true democracy, with people policing themselves, as the consciousness gives rise to self assertion and self regulation as the true meaning of humanity as free, compassionate will comes into play. Safety, freedom and co-operation will be in every area of life—each doing and working on their mission without  any pressure or hardship. There will be enough of everything for every creature on the planet—great and small. The age of wars will be known as the "barbaric age" and man will grieve at what it has wrought on the planet. The children  will be taught the way of compassion, gratefulness, acceptance, tolerance  and unity. Realization will be at every corner that we are a part of God, and each individual is equal in the eyes of the creator--whom is the creator and all respect will be for creation and the almighty creator.  There will be a deep consciousness for all, and all will  be seen as sacred.

Every emotion, feeling, sensation will be enhanced to its multi dimensionality--all will be more spectacular, vibrant--colours, sounds, fragrances will be incredible for the human intellect to register. From the black and white--metaphorically speaking of the 3 -D existence to be within the higher dimensions of technicolour--and humanity  will have full esoteric understanding and comprehension of all within creation. Visions of inter-dimensional beings of different variety--and life forms,that we have been totally unaware of in out linear , 3-D existence and life experience will become the norm. Our interactions with them will become a learning experience as we learn many secrets of wisdom from our elder siblings Magic- will be the norm, for whatever the mind can conceive is possible to materialize-to experience, to create.Things in science that were impossible to imagine  will be every day  happenstance- possible for every human to utilize.

A major stepping stone in consciousness is understanding the creation of the universe, God and our place in it will be more than clear. Understanding, realizing and seeing  a panoramic view of creation will be the clear to the intelect. Other beings, other planets and dimensions will be available to explore and travel to –learn the ways, ideas lifestyles of more advanced civilizations. Finally knowing that we are their children and  the reason of our very existence. We shall meet  our kin—our  parents, brothers , sisters and relatives—and learn our true history and how things are within our universe and creation. Multi dimensionality will be the order of the day—in every aspect  of existence. Questions that were beyond us will have answers and the true meaning understood as to the question of humanity and why things were as they were in the past.

Yes—and all are, every created soul is on the planet at the moment—the magic number was 7 billion. All—have a change to partake of all this if they so choose, this wondrous new life, new energy, new power of the soul—but free will is in play, so if they choose to stay—they may. Yes—the dead too—for there never were dead!—simply in an other dimension, which—now will be more and more palpable. Thus—no one has been lost, no one that we loved is gone—remember this! 
This is but a small sample of how things shall be, - Ah, but  these things are already are happening…..can you not see? The light is already turned on....

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