Sunday 6 October 2019

To Lucy-my anam cara!

Contigliano, Italy

Life often touches us in the strangest of ways. At times is just a passing moment, that remain for a lifetime, and at times long relationships get forgotten and fade into the mist of the past. Today I was touched by what I call “an eternal moment” by a a friend, whom I never really met, but perhaps we have in some distant time, as is written in many sacred script. It is said that the soul recognizes its counterpart with whom it has spent much of “the eternal moment” somewhere back in time. I so wish to think. As John O`Donohue, the wonderful mystic Irish poet philosopher would say in Gaelic an “anam cara” a soul friend, called Lucy. I don`t have that many-only two on FB, strangely enough they are both Italian.

Long story short of the background and now.....A little while ago I decided to take a break from FB as it was consuming much of my time-not that I ever regret it, for every single one of my registered friends were and are truly special to me. I read each word they had written and answered it, not just with a “like” but a few words of my thoughts. That is why we really post things on FB don`t we? To get acknowledgement, and hope that perhaps what we post others may feel the same emotion about it as we do. That makes everybody feel good. But I decided to disengage a while, not because of not getting a response, but I wanted to say too many things to each special soul, and that took much time as I did not want to make exceptions. Maybe this sounds strange and absolutely crazy but all of us have a small touch of insanity within us...some more than others.

 An other reason was also that I wanted to devote more time to writing my blogs-I have a couple of closed ones, this is the open one that I have had since 2012. Not that I am a great writer, I just write as an expression of the dictates of my soul-and through this I am more conscious of life overall, more mindful at seeing with the eyes of spirit, more connected and brings me much joy. It gives me reasons to contemplate, think and devote more time to more spiritual things which are the real reasons for our existence. Again-not that I am that spiritual, but I hope as an excerpt from Thomas Merton`s prayer says-”My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please You.”

Back to this the here. Yesterday as I was writing a blog you, dear Lucy came to my mind-I actually went on FB to see what was happening in your life -and looked at your latest pictures, the posts, that are now mostly in Italian. All the photos of the family are just wonderful, and Joe looks great. You look as beautiful, happy and sweet as ever-never aged a day through the years as I see it. You just glow and radiate a light of deep joy. The little ones-the little future stars, are just gorgeous. You can be real proud to have such a beautiful, loving family. You are truly blessed all around in every way even in what you are doing-loving tennis. That is a special gift from God. Your little town looks as magical as ever-and I know you are so in love with it as you post so many awesome photos of it. But you are right-one can fall in love with such a place with such history and magic. 

So.... lo and behold, today I received a beautiful pink rose from you-and some soul touching words. It is never the quantity of anything but the quality and the emotions it evokes,  How is this possible? Who knows God works in mysterious ways-He is the true “alchemist of souls”. 

Thank you my dearest “anam cara”, my soul friend Lucy. I am humbled and deeply touched that you have thought of me. The ties of spirit are deep indeed, which is love-"agape" which is not romantic love, but love of spirit.  which has no distance nor concept of time. We have no idea how the heart and soul work, but through reminders like these events we are reminded that there is more to life than what we actually see. We are also reminded that some of the most important connections are invisible only seen through eyes of the soul. 

Be always blessed my "anam cara"  with all that is positive, may God keep you and your family safe always and may the happiest days of your life lie just ahead of you. May joy, peace and love of Our Lord and Blessed Mother embrace you always . Thank you for your kindness, thoughtfulness and love. I appreciate it more than you can ever imagine! 

Love and light to you, and all the best to your family- Namaste....Suzanne

You are welcome to my blog anytime, or pass it along....I have many people all around the world reading it -I hope you shall be one of them also.

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