As I walk thought our beautiful forest each morning and I see
the fallen decaying moss covered trees lying on the floor of the forest, the colourful
falling leaves dancing in the wind, the squirrels scurrying about,
the salmon splashing in our river as they swim to their special
yearly spawning area. Even all the myriads of stones and pebbles
lying at the edge of our river bed, the pieces of driftwood, and the
families of loons swimming with their babies makes a monumental
difference to the life of not just the forest but to the planet as a
whole.Without every blade of grass, every ant,
every little green frog, every tiny aphid the world, our planet would be entirely different. They each have an individual mission with the contribution of their lives-be it long or short.
So-everything and everyone is a “historical
moment” that leaves its legacy behind, makes its mark -whether we see it or not, it is present never to be erased. Everything single thing in creation- animate and
inanimate is a contributor to this magical historical moment which
changes us, changes the planet and changes creation. Everything-even
the tiny fruit flies whose life span is measured in hours contributes
to this mystical experience that we call life.
Nothing is here for
nothing-so then if that is the case, are we not tied into the circle
of creation, with no separations. Are we ourselves then not a simple
moment of history? Is not then each and every moment a historical
moment? And if we accept this then, then is not everything the
“Creator”.....or God? Is this not this huge, mystical unfolding
or expansion of a creative force-that in essence is us.....are we not
then a fragment of God-the “eternal creative force”?
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