Saturday 5 October 2019

Power within

Rumi is right when he says that all and everything is within us-including everything that has ever and will exist. And I mean everything possible that exists-physical , mental and spiritual. How this is I haven`t the faintest idea, but if one observes life with mindfulness, it becomes crystal clear. That is the reason why it is possible to manifest anything that one can conceive-and bring it into what we perceive as the “physical existence “. 

This is just a simple explanation of the brain. But, remember that the brain has little to do with existence, it is simply a relay station as the mind is not the brain. Time is not linear as today`s physicists tell us, though such as myself with a linear brain is rather a difficult picture to imagine anything else. But I accept it-and try and blend it into my life. 

Why I actually think this is true as that I have experienced its effects as well as its affects . All the great masters have told us this, in their the sacred writings. This is what they were telling us about enlightenment, about raising consciousness, about prayers and about us being gods-with a small “g”, as we are a fractal of the big “G” or creator force, and we awake this inherent internal wisdom starts to become more clear. Our ancient gift or grace is activated.
One can actual demonstrate this.If you really want something-be it material or spiritual, you can make it happen at will. This is where “free will” comes in that is stated in most, if not all religions. The 3 keys is; visualization which is belief or faith, acceptance which is calling it forth or having a vehicle for it, and finally gratefulness which is the connecting energy flow to the central matrix or creative force. You can actually experiment with this-first with little things, and as you get better. You can do it with greater things. 

Now let me be clear-this is not just for material things, but everything that is of the mind or spirit, anything that one can conceive. Believe me it is very easy-the difficulty is when you have doubt, which becomes an impenetrable barrier, and impediment  that we create. You can walk on water as Peter did, but once he realized what he was doing-”doubt” crept in , up went the barrier and he sank. This is the reason why practice is so important-it gives you a strong base-or belief that with practice becomes stronger and gets incorporated into the brain-which is the relay station.

Everything you do or want first have a clear picture with every detail in place, using all of the senses....and just see it happen, but do not put a time frame on it as that is a human, physical trait-allow the universe. First say what you want clearly and then say “thank you very much for all you have done until now, -but if it is not to be, even then it is good”. And end with and “Amen”. [ My actual word translated from Hungarian-as I always say it in that language in my mind] The “Amen” actually means in Hebrew “it is so” or “so it be.” as you are allowing it and giving it energy. Do not use it frivolously, only with sincerity, for good and for truth. However be careful, for it works in every way and direction, and that is a dangerous weapon  to wield, for everything has a boomerang affect. 

I also think this is how miracles work, prayers to specific saints for specific things. As Catholics we have many that are for specific reasons. Here are a few- St Jude for lost hope, St Rita for things impossible, St Anthony for finding lost things, St Francis for animals, St Joseph for family and to sell a house and  so on....including specific angels or names of God, the "72" from the Kaballah. Look up and learn about your own!  Mine is angel Lelahel.

Also physical manifestations like "stigmata" , spontaneous remissions are all based on this. This is why Jesus said: "You can do even greater works than I" .  Also many others of different belief systems have also said this, not specific to Christians.  It is the total acceptance and belief that triggers the manifestation.

A small post script-this came to me when I was about 4 years old-and what ever I wanted would happen. Originally I used the few “magic words” when my parents were fighting-when I did this they like magic would stop-and so it grew from there. I always made the sign of the cross after Amen-as I still do to this day. I hope you use this for the good of yourself and others. And a small piece of advice-do not abuse this power, use it wisely. And so it is. 

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