Thursday 3 October 2019

Revisiting: Do it

Image result for electric green and violet energy

2:18:13/ Channeling from BVM

It is exactly what you have to be doing. You have been led to this point you have followed the Light. Now learn listen and act well. This is for the good of spirit and soul not only of you, but the ones around you. Often this may seem like a hollow request but remember it is not always what you see, how you see it for mostly all takes place below the surface. So be that you see and observe the results or not that does not mean that the actual results have not been achieved.

As you were told this time is far different to all others.  Do not be dissatisfied with what you perceive as marking time or no results. Every single action has a reaction somewhere on your planet somewhere within visible creation as well as the invisible. Though all seems static it is rather fluid and you both together are moving forward. One ripple of a tiny pebble in the water affects everything.

The exercise that you have introduced will produce much action on various levels. The image that is present has much to do with the activation of the force of energy that you are learning about-especially the violet, which should eventually include an electric green during meditation. Not everything is symbolic much is literal and should be perceived as such.

Continue and familiarise yourself with that which you have always known but simple have forgotten. Recall, revisit that which always "is". Think, touch all, that needs that flow of energy that will guide you back into the realm of spirit whence you came. Guide and lead those that hear you voice that which in fact is my voice.

At times you wonder that these messages are hollow words, however they are simply a way to make you think that there is more than you see and to remember, to connect. Believe that everything that transpires on these pages are as real as that which you perceive as real in your world. At times it may seem futile or indiscernible truths, but truths they are. You hear and soul knows how to interpret the words and the resonance of the messages. All you need to do is respond and open up and allow the flow to continue through you and with you. As has been stated you cannot, neither will you achieve this alone only if you co-operate on various level within "one". Understanding that "one "means "one" is at time difficult to embrace  and may even seen unnatural in the scheme of things but it is not, as you will learn as you progress through your steps. Learn well my child for the ways, the pointers the answers are within those instructions for  you, all my children who hear.

You are hearing, you are seeing and you shall and are acting according to my "will". Be aware of signs.  This you were told of time and time again-thus you are reminded of this now. Don`t be slack in non observance for much may be in the strangest of places.  Observe -"Isten" and hear and act. Keep a record , as you discover more and more your faith and vision shall grow. Thus the "energy field" shall grow and the expansion of soul shall speed up. Your consciousness will open up and you shall see with your "third eye" . Remember well, "faith" is not necessarily religion; it is not at all. Faith is but a choice of acknowledgement of a universal creative force-with "all names and no names" with different avenues to its center.

You keep wanting to have proof. Your mind is screaming but that is ego that is starting to feel trapped as it is being more and more caged, thus look not,  wonder not, nor seek not for you have found it. Just accept, allow and be.   You can make anything happen you can perform miracles you can will anything into being. Try it, just do it. Concentrate on the field of violet and electric green.

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