Monday 17 September 2018

What`s up?

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There was a time not long ago that I was rather involved with FB…not for long though, I eventually found it rather a time waste.  So, I hardly post…as they are neither friends nor acquaintances. We get so confused at times. We want friends, we want to belong and most of all we want to be loved and accepted.  Non is true about FB.  

So- I have a secret FB page, under an alias-no friends, no others postings-only me and myself! I find it just great,  where I  can post all kinds of important stuff that I feel is important to me-all from others-as I am in many great groups with substance- not posting from myself. All  is important  to my awakening-a learning experience, all benefit to my expansion of spirit, to my spiritual vision and quest. Be it true or a fantasy about life or beyond this life. I am a member of these numerous groups who are all so inspiring- all with some great enlightening, wise and touching posts and insights-that I re-post them to my page.

I often go there to find answers, strength, courage and reasons for life-as at time we lose our way, these FB guides guide me wisely-as all the information is so profound and insightful. This is the gem appeared on my page today-food for though, or rather how I feel….I have added more than a few of my own…many of the below words, statements need much thought and contemplation- some one can just sail through. 

~I hate small talk. I want to talk about, atoms, quarks and quarks, black-holes, string theory, crop circles, dark matter, white matter, time travel, super novas, stars and the universe,  aliens, visitations , animal totems, spiritual guides, angels, other dimensions,- sex, soulmates, twinsouls, tantra, magic, alchemy. Beauty of the arts-be it in watercolour, oil, bronze or even plaster.

Energy fields, soul travel, walk ins-different religions, Gnosticism, enlightenment, channelling-divination, palmistry, numerology, I Ching, what the tarot says, Nostradamus - intellect, philosophy, psychology, mythology, re-incarnation, death, meaning of life, -faraway galaxies, astronomy, astrology-, the pyramids, the Greeks, the Romans, the Maya, the Inca,  the Sumerians,  Atlantis, Niburu-legends, dragons, myths,  monsters – love, sacrifice, and heroism.

The lies you`ve told, the truth of your life, your  honesty, integrity, compassion mercy, forgiveness-your flaws, your loves-your favourite scents, flower, animal, nature, fragrance of newly cut grass-the moon, the sky at night, interpretation of  the whisperings of the wind to you, secrets of your heart that you have never told-your favourite  food, drink. 

Stuff in life that speaks to you-music that makes you dance,  your favourite composer, the poet that moves you,-your favourite movie, that you could watch forever, your favourite piece of music that makes you cry, things that make you laugh-something that you would die for-your feelings about love and forever. 

Your favourite quote, the words you live by, your beliefs, your faith, your relationship to the Creator/God/or whomever-  your childhood memories, your fears, your needs, your pain, your wants, -what keeps you up at night, your insecurities. 

I like people with depth, who speak with emotion, have a twisted mind, are somewhat crazy, but somewhat sane and are filled with love and light- I want to know your very essence-your dreams mostly and wildest fantasies- the good ,the bad the ugly and the gruesome-but more so-your loves, hopes and dreams.

What I really I don`t want to know is the question –what`s up?~

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