Monday 23 July 2018


About 14 days I received a short message from Kryon; wasn`t for me personally, however whatever he sends is always very personal. Though I am always believer in gratitude no matter how bad things get, I always feel blessed for I know that all get worse on a turn of a dime.

The message was –I am paraphrasing: People rush around all day with hundreds of things on their mind to do as the moments of lives tick down. Filled with anxiety, worry and panic. No time to visit family-talk to old friends, children, parents, grandparent. Then out of the blue they receive a phone call-someone they love is very ill or has died and suddenly their whole life changes forever-and whatever they were busy with immediately become unimportant.

And lo and behold, two days later God demonstrated the message to me. All my concerns, worries fell by the wayside as a loved one was involved in a serious accident-I still don`t know the out come. Yes, I am miserable and deeply depressed-if I lose the person I don`t know if I could go on. So, please I need your thoughts and prayers-but I am still grateful for everything, for my blessed life. But, still a dark fear and sadness has enveloped my soul.

Saturday 14 July 2018

Unchained melody

Image result for misty moon
All we have is a moment in time-for each moment of all else  exists in history.

You know there come a times of eventual realization-to face the truth. What that maybe-the truth? Well, many things-in life; however we are all are prisoners of love. We want to be loved, we need to be loved and we need to love. However, just one thing really comes to mind; heart and soul.

In reality, two people have touched my  life in this  century: only 2.What can I say?  So much-and nothing at all and absolutely no way to say it. There are only things that are felt-I am in that position.

Number#1-well, the greatest con artist for me ever for my soul. Master of the craft of writing, deceiving-and the wizard of words and magic. Does not matter, for all was illusion-Maya. Oh-yes, in the name of spirituality and enlightenment. There comes a time in every lifetime when we reflect-and it will happen believe me.  But what goes around comes around-all I have to answer to things we have committed, especially there is no absolution in the name of love. The mark is eternal. Yes -eventually we shall work it out-but eternal non-the-less.

Number#2-he, though much shorter in linear time, is the real thing. A beautiful soul is seldom discovered-I discovered one. Shining like the sun-and you be that sun. For a moment-which will linger, on for many lifetimes and are precious moments-all one was simply magic. Ah, that dance, “unchained melody”-chocolate, birthday cake-remember? Candles?  I wonder if it is ever a reminder. To me it is. Nothing else matters to me about you. Remember- You could love me in the dark-it says it all.  Mmm… how many sleeps?…counting. Oh-so many now, I fail to recollect. Sweet recollections of you sweetheart. Yes ‘love is like that’-when it comes to loved ones, you so are right. You are so very special-you are different and you are so blessed-I am blessed in encountering you. My sweet, shining soul-I love you. You have no idea how talented and gifted you are - be it.

'Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.'


Thursday 5 July 2018

Black sheep

We all have one….a ’ black sheep’ in the family-as my sister calls herself. Well, so they call themselves,-not that they are ever named that, but every black sheep labels themselves as thus. Generally they live with a deep martyr complex, ‘no one loves me’ or best of all ‘the world is against me’ and it is never their fault, but a conspiracy against them from the world. Truth be told  most of them are this way because of being spoiled rotten….in our case our father is the culprit. Not that I blame him, for he didn`t do it on purpose, but he simply created a monster in the name of love…unto herself.  By this her entire life  has been a big drama, possibilities missed and roads never travelled -not that any life is ever perfect, but we do have happy moments-hers are far  and few in between. Her life is an entire, continual Shakespearean tragedy. She clings to her past wounds like a badge of honor-pasting guilt trips on anyone who is willing to listen.

I, from the depth of my heart love her very much, which she never will believe. I feel deeply for the pain she is causing herself, truly.  She thinks that everybody, including her own family is out to get her. Untrue. All her life she was treated special, yet she feels she was always put into the background, sidelined-which is not true at all. She has an enormous inferior complex-and in need of  serious therapy, which she will not acknowledge. It is not a sin to ask for help-we are all sinners and saints! One can only be helped if one accepts the problems first-then a remedy will be found. Not her. She is extremely intelligent, beautiful and has many superior qualities-which she fails to see. A shining soul, with a loving heart. However, she puts herself down constantly-feeling frustrated, angry with what she perceives as 'her unworthiness' which  is preventing her in fulfilling her 'darma'.  She is in constant despair-in self flagellation mode. In every way possible she sabotages her own self constantly. For example- imagine never in her conscious life did she ever put on a bathing suit-at least since she was 10 years old, due to her low body image. Seriously, she looks absolutely great. Now, that say something about self esteem and self worth. Because of similar behaviours she actually makes it rather impossible for everyone around to love her. Blaming everyone else for our lot in life will not change things, but compound them. We all have the power to be the driver of our life, be it famous or infamous, angel or devil-whatever we decide we have to accept it and be at peace with it. No-we are not perfect at all-nor shall we ever be, but we need to do the best we can with what we have. If we don`t allow the past bad experiences to drain away it will stifle us.We have been gifted with that divine spark, that grace of God which often is enough to make us carry on.
She is her worst enemy in every way. Sadly, my mother enables her to a large degree-feeling sorry for her, helping her out most of the time-and worst of all often agreeing with her, which adds fuel to the fire. Why mom does this? I have no idea-maybe she just dosn`t want to face conflict with her, but for whatever reason-this method it is not working at all.

Now, after more than 25 years of marriage  her husband has left her with her with their  18 old daughter. He too has his own problems from childhood-much emotional baggage and has no coping mechanism in anyway except alcohol. So I understand why he could not take it any longer-the continual  fights, emotional abuse, the drama-both being the accused and accuser;  inflicting pain by every possible means on each other. They are like two peas in a pod-each one blaming each other, in all forms of abuse. I don`t blame him, neither her—I see all points. Their daughter, who is just the opposite of her in every way- who cares only about herself, who dosn`t care a hoot about her mother at all. An 18 year old going on 28 regarding relationships with boys and life. True, she is doing well in school and will be starting university in September-but is leaving town-not feeling an iota of guilt about leaving her mother all alone. My sister`s mantra is-’ I want my child to be happy and I don`t care about anything else-especially about myself.’ Yes-the martyr complex bleeding through-gushing through in fact!

Well, this is rather is a sad state of affairs. It is all a reflection of her own self creation-and no one else to blame but herself. Well, we create monsters through thinking we do it all for love. The phrase ‘I do it all out of love ’  is written boldly on her standard–this dosn`t bode well at times at all! Love can actually kill. It is killing her slowly, but surely.

My sister  thinks that spoiling her child rotten as she was, is being a great mother-that giving her all is a sign of  love-well it isn`t at all. We all live our own lives through our children-as she is that is true, but there needs to be limits, boundaries –which she does not recognise. Being friends and buddy, buddy with one`s child is not a sign of a good mother, neither is it a sign of deep love-all this behaviour gains is a total lack of respect.  Sadly-that is where she is now, as well as losing her other child to a marriage who is in Chicago-she`s on bad terms with her also, as well as losing our brother because he is a type who will take a lot of crap, but once the glass is full, it is over . So,I am still hanging in there for dear life-wishing and hoping for things to work out. Maybe I am a dreamer-but I wish our family to be whole as it once was. Well, my mother will always be there for her-but she is 93. 
