Saturday 23 June 2018

Oh Canada

Image result for maple leaf flag
Canada is the second largest country in the world (after Russia) by land mass-its capital is Ottawa in the province of Ontario. Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combined.  At last count, there may be as many as two million, with 563 lakes larger than 100 square kilometres.  Canada’s largest include Lake Huron (Ontario), Great Bear Lake (Northwest Territories), and Lake Superior (Ontario).  Lake Winnipeg, Canada’s fifth and the world’s 11th largest, is in Manitoba.

From west to east, Canada has ten provinces - British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island. There are also three territories which make up the northern half or so of Canada - Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. We have a population of over 36 million people-with two official languages English and French. Canada is the first country in the world to adopt a policy of multiculturalism, embracing diversity and pluralism.

Canada is a Parliamentary Democracy headed by a Prime Minister. However, it is also a constitutional monarchy with executive authority vested in the Queen. This means that the Queen is the head of state, while the Prime Minister is the head of government. A parliamentary democracy has three parts: the Sovereign (Queen), the Senate, and the House of Commons. Meanwhile, the government has three levels: federal, provincial and municipal.  The federal government  federal is based in Ottawa and is headed by the Prime Minister. Provincial  and territorial governments are headed by premiers, while municipal governments are led by mayors.

Not that I am biased  regarding Canada, but if anyone checks out the best countries to live in Canada is sure to show up in the top often-more often than not number one or two.  In everyway we have it all-whether you are rich or poor the possibilities are  there to have a wonderful life. Our medical system is free for all, and the best in the world. Our seniors are well taken care of. Old age pension is $1,440 a month-also if need be there are numerous food banks that are always there to help anyone if the need be-no questions asked.  Medications are free to all above 65 and below 25 in Ontario . Dental care is free for children, now it will we free for all in Ontario.

Canada  has a child benefit for each child per month of $533  for each child under the age of six and $450.00 per month for each child aged 6 to  17. This comes in the mail automatically from the government every month.

Crime is the amongst the lowest on the planet, we accept all people from all countries. Creed, colour, nationality-all welcome. Multiculturalism is the name of the game-we celebrate our differences, we celebrate individuality and encourage to keep the traditions, language, customs and roots from the old country.

All can go to university-our education system is one of the highest, if not the highest in the world.  If you have no money all will get a loan, and now you don`t even have you repay it if you come from a low income family or study well.

We accept immigrants, refugees –from the moment they enter the country they are supported financially and in every other possible way-teach them the language and skills. Our standard of living is the highest in the world-and the most advanced country –technology wise and humanitarian wise. We  are a peace loving nation, we don`t go to war only as peace keepers,  we are one of the most compassionate nations on the planet. Heritage is honored and respected deeply.

We are proud of our low crime rate, beautiful natural green spaces,  thousands of lakes and awesome mountains. All is protected-you cannot cut down a tree unless it is sick, and then you have to plant an other one to replace it. We fiercely protect our wildlife, -we replenish species that are endangered –like the Atlantic salmon. There are laws governing hunting and fishing as to how many you can hunt or fish--you cannot kill animals for sport, –if you do they put you in jail. If you run over a squirrel on purpose, you have to pay a hefty fine. The other day someone had killed a few Canada geese-a reward of $10,000 is offered  by the police for  a lead to catch the guilty culprit.

Our use of drugs is very low-a law has just been passed making recreational marijuana legal-the first entire country on the planet to do this, There are a few states in the US where it is legal, but not everywhere. Some countries in Europe have it with restrictions. Medical marijuana has been legal  in Canada for many years.

You can love anyone you wish, marry anyone you wish and you cannot be a racist, neither a bigot-if you do jail time awaits you. Hate crimes are non existent as it is seriously punished by law.We have banned the death penalty and Canada will not surrender even criminals to countries who will implement the death penalty-we believe in life and that it is sacred, even when serious crimes have been committed. 

As or our climate-it  is great-. No-it is not too cold-the winters are magical as all our seasons. Canadians never complain-and the different seasons all have their special lure, and the change is good-one always has the next seson to look forward to, so it is never boring. I have been more cold in the winters of South Africa than in Canada, truly.

This is my Canada, land that I love and I would not want to be anywhere else –the land I hold dear and will forever cherish in every way-even though I was not born here, I consider it my homeland.  I am so very proud and thankful  to be a Hungarian Canadian-be part of this wondrous, most special country on the planet.  I feel so blessed to be here.

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