Wednesday 1 March 2017


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 What is joy? Where does joy reside? Why are we chasing it?  Why search for joy? The bottom line is that it makes us feel good, worthy, wanted and above all loved. It gives us a feeling of belonging, connected to something higher than ourselves-for me a sense of being closer to God. But-we cannot be chasing after joy. The secret is that  joy is really a follower. It is hopeless to look for it-it is like love, it needs to find us.

Often joy tags along behind, or is the result of something else. It does not simply sit somewhere waiting to get plucked up like a daisy. Do not even think or bother searching for joy. Instead, be always ready for it. Be open to it. Be accepting of it. Adopt the attitude that happiness can be a heartbeat away even when you are drowning in an ocean of grief and misery.

The really neat thing is when you bring joy to another it boomerangs back to you. Whatever we put out, always comes back many fold. You end up feeling good, maybe even feeling great. Also-most often does not need money to bring joy to an other heart.

Joy is too elusive a thing to try to capture for oneself. It is s easier to make joy happen for someone else. Look for opportunities to create it. It lives deep inside you, waiting to be shared. You may not be able to bask in it yourself at that moment, but you can still grow it and give it away. And the mystery is, that it eventually returns at a most unexpected hour, often in the most needed hour

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