Wednesday 1 March 2017

Indeed silence

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These days we really need a few  moments of silence. Sadly, it is a commodity these days.  Most major religions promote silence as an important spiritual practice. Most  eastern and western religions encourages us to practice moments of silence to encounter God. You may be surprised at what you hear!

Many people are plugged int to their smartphones either texting, talking or listening to music. In cars, the radio is on, in shopping centres, there is music and on the busy streets cars and people are around creating a drum of noise that make it hard to think. Life has changed and we are more and more plugged into sounds and music that keep our minds away from ourselves.

So we really have to work hard to make sure we get a few moments of squeezed in silence into our day. Deep gratitude, the quiet and peace makes us realize and  appreciate our gifts. Allow us to count our blessings that tend to get lost or  seems all too elusive in our modern world. 

Try to give yourself the gift of silence now and then during the day-surrender to the peace within, take the chance to really enjoy the experience.  It is when you merge into the silence and become one with it that you reconnect to your Source and know the peacefulness that is God. “Be still and know that I am God,” says the Old Testament. The key words are “still”  and “know”.  Mother Teresa described silence and its relationship to God by saying, “God is the friend of silence. See how nature—trees, grass, grow in silence; see the stars, the moon, and the sun, how they move in silence…. We need silence to be able to touch souls.”

Everything that is created emerges out of silence. Your thoughts emerge from the nothingness of silence. Your words come out of this void. Your very essence emerged from emptiness. All creativity requires some stillness. Your sense of inner peace depends on spending some of your life energy in silence to recharge your battery, remove tension and anxiety, reacquaint you with the joy of knowing God, and feel closer to all of humanity. Going into the quiet and listening will heal and inspire you. In silence, you make your personal and conscious contact with God. As Melville reminded us, “God’s one and only voice is silence.”


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