Thursday 2 March 2017

Let go

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As we live our lives we are constantly changing-yet so much of us stays the same. The human brain, our psyche is such a magnificent creation, filled with magic and mystery. However it has one major problem, a flaw perhaps in a way, -it tends to consciously forget painful experiences and enhance the good. We look back on our lives and we conjure up from the caverns of our minds all the pleasurable times-and tend to bury the hurt and the pain, which festers causing so many problems later in our lives.

The truth is-nothing is never really buried only out of the light causing major earthquakes within the spirit. The only way one can be free of it is in some physical way to find a way to allow it to leave one`s heart. Giving one self permission to let it go is the only way one can leave the past behind-but before one can do that one needs to acknowledge all the pain and hurt. 

They say these days that one needs to be positive only-totally forget the negative, I disagree, and psychologists seem to agree with this idea. This does not mean that we live with the negative, but giving it voice and through that one can release it. Actually eliminate those painful experiences and exchange them for positive –one sort of rewires the brain , even if the experiences were decades ago.

We cannot and should not hang onto the past-sure do not forget, but do not allow it to interfere with your life once that chapter has closed. I believe that our souls seek expression through our material forms. I believe that our thoughts create our reality. Our thoughts create our actions, our actions create our habits, our habits create our character, our character creates our destiny. This can only be created each chapter at a time-one cannot live in many stories –only one at a time.

There is a pervasive loving presence in the universe, filling us and every living thing with love. Our daily walk each day within life should be an attempt to align ourselves fully with that felt reality. Experienced God’s love as eternal, unchanging, and always available: The only variable is how aware we are of it in each moment.

It brings me joy and peace. I make sure I wake up each morning happy. I feel the love of God penetrate every aspects of  my life, lifting my heart, healing my body, and inspiring my mind. I try to smile and laugh a lot-and choose to let go of the past. In the most desperate crisis, I allow my mind to drift upward to see the situation from an elevated perspective. In conflicts I ask myself, “What would Love do now?” I try and keep my mind clear of negative thoughts. I am richly blessed with an inspired life-for the past can no longer hurt me, for it has dissipated like the morning mist.

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