Friday 3 March 2017

My healing affirmation

I thought I would put something together as many of us have so many physical problems. All healing has to come from within, as all problems starts from within, on the mental sphere. Hippocrates new this –and taught this. Today we know much more about the mind-though the ancient healing wisdom taught us this –man knew this intuitively and empirically.

Much has now been proven and energetic medicine is on the forefront of healing today. We create, we organize, we lead and write our own story. Believing this, with positive intention clears the blocks-though belief is not necessary as it works non the less. Intention, love , compassion, forgiveness towards ourselves is of paramount importance-we are capable of creating such miracles –everything is possible, all is reversible, that is meant to be reversed, for we do not know the mind of God.

The stress of modern life creates enormous problems-the hormones that are created have major impact on the body. Cortisol for example  turns on over 1,500  “bad” genes-and reduction of stress increases the “dampening” genes.  It competes for molecules necessary for numerous hormones, especially DHEA-the major hormone for “cell rejuvenation” and many more into which I shall not delve now. The bottom line is-we are not at the mercy of our genes, even if we carry bad ones.

There is no guarantee to anything-especially life, however when we do the best we can we shall have no regrets. Yes-we do not know how much time we have, but making that time as happy, peaceful and positive as possible creates tranquility and a connection to spirit. Giving our  body the most optimal physical and mental, emotional and spiritual environment gives us the optimal power and energy to be the best it can be. You can certainly make up your own stuff, as we all know at a "sub conscious" level what we need to heal, what needs changing and what we need to let go of-the spirit is very wise if we allow it voice and listen.
Close your eyes then open them, breathe and repeat;

 -I am healing; I choose to deeply love and completely accept myself-(say it 3 times)

-I have been having the experience of not feeling well

-I choose to change that and return to vibrant health and well being in body mind spirit

-I am healing
- I choose to heal, love, honor and love myself and anyone else involved in this

-I am healing my true nature

-this is vibrant health, but not what I am experiencing now

-something has been going on inside that is not good

-I choose to shift that

-I choose to release this what is contributing to this uncomfortable feeling

-some part feels that I needed to experience this

-I am letting go of this need

-I am allowing healing

-healing is a natural process

-and I let go anything that blocks this

-I am letting go of the idea that I am not healing

-though it feels that way

-if I am on a road trip I will stop and take break

–and someone may ask what I am up to I would still say I am on a road trip

-even though I am still on trip

-it is just a stop over

-but truth is I am heading somewhere, same with healing

-this is a temporary  stop over, but I am on my way

-I have intent to heal

-and I am moving forward

-clearing all resistance

-clearing all why “nots”

-I allow myself to feel really good

-allowing myself to feel better

-I am treating myself with love in body, mind and spirit.

-I choose to heal-
Stop and breathe  here and see how you feel; then carry on.

-I choose to heal from inside out

-I choose to love and honor myself

-I choose to heal from inside

-healing myself, healing the world

-any healing will benefit the whole

-from inside out

-I choose to love, honor and  very body else  involved in this

-I choose to heal from inside out-

-whatever is going on in the outside with body or planet

-I am taking on possibility that I am aware of it

-as is a reflection of something inside

-so change on outside best place is inside

-so I choose inside out

-rather than just dealing with symptoms I go to the root

-allowing myself to heal whatever is outside I choose to clear out inside

-maybe root of outside condition, or roots only of condition

-the root of it upsets me

-I choose to heal that

-healing at a cell level, healing all my past all times of my life

-that may have led here and allow myself to heal

-all the way back in time

-I am clearing whatever that is not love

-for all that looks like a problem I choose that love can heal all

-I choose love

-I feels all those feelings at a cell level

-I release it all the way in the past

-the more fear cleared the more love there is

-I am allowing this love to heal

-allowing this love to heal me

-allowing to heal the world

- I am healing my body, mind and spirit

The outside world is a reflection of our inside world!
PS: It has been a day or so since  this post,but I feel a need to add a few more things to it . Recently as I said previously that I am once more involved with "tapping"-well I suggest that if you want to see more profound results that you tap the 9 points. Very easy, and a very potent way to increase the benefits of affirmations. There are some great u-tube videos that you can access-I suggest maybe you would like to check out two people-Dr. Dawson Church; or Nick Ortner at . Dr. Church does not use the head point, I suggest you use that though." Tapping" will so empower you.

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