No, -you have been
gone for a thousand days-to be a bit Shakespearean. Life goes on as it must-in
a good way. Love trickles in and then trickles away-for everybody; like the tides ever returning. This is just
so. We all make our own futures, write our own legend. Don`t we? I often wonder where you are, what you are
doing-thinking? I think I know. Well it
is said that linear time does not exist, quantum time is “timeless and limitless"-so as they
say in the West Indies, “no problem”, things are as they have to be, always. For
a long time way back-"in the days of war and peace" as you so aptly
put it-all was so calculated, and sure. I always thought it was me causing the
war, I blamed myself, I thought that it is what I have said, or not said. Maybe
I crowded you, made you felt trapped, stifled, but it isn`t like that, is
it? Just our wiring is different, though I often wonder how we would have
fared in the world together? You and I. I am a bit more grounded, but still I
don`t think enough. No, we were never meant for the world-but for higher realms.
Where are your
thoughts these days? You say things then
nothing comes of it. Do things nothing comes of it. Plan things and they fall
by the wayside. Rather odd approach for a deep thinker. Really time to think
things through-life is far too short, complex and simple in a way. Don`t worry, nothing major at times-but still
it happens. Way back, way, way back years ago, words were said, it made me feel
terrible and awful. Now, I see that you are searching so hard, looking for that
impossible dream that is ever so illusive-well in a sense something that does not exist. You are still rowing that boat, the same
boat-in the immense space called “life”.
But, by now I know,-it is very familiar to me, so I just let it go by
and hope and wish for a better day tomorrow, for you and for me. Even these
days I still ask myself, shall you be here for me- ever or never? Were you actually there ever? I wonder, for I know myself, I know human nature- but I
still I have no idea.
Most would categorize
us as entirely insane, they would be perfectly right. All about us was totally madness. I do have to
smile .Why? Well -our whole relationship, if I can call it that is highly
unorthodox if I may describe it as that. We have secrets upon secret to tell.
Don`t we? All like in a mystery romance novel that people imagine themselves
being in. Crazy in love-is a great theme song for us, well I hope it`s us!
Maybe you did really need a Naomi for some weird reason. Something new is always exciting. No? I asked you to play-you
didn`t respond. Would have been fun though. I guess maybe it is no fun when you
know whom you are playing with-the mystery just isn`t there.
Now would be a great
time to have a bottle of wine with you--or even better, something stronger or
weirder. Oh, well, all out of luck, at least not like the Air Supply song
"All out of Love" I am not quite there yet. Yes, "to be or not
to be that is the question", though I doubt it what Shakespeare was
thinking.Though he too had questioned life, one
would say, "et tu William"--as all humans do from the dawn of
man. Et tu my Indigo Dragon.....and so it is.
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