Sunday 5 March 2017


Image result for ancient trees africa
The other day as I was watching the traffic a strange thought occurred to me, well not strange really but the truth about our reality. All the people around me, driving, walking talking within a hundred years from now, not one will be ever around. No one. Not one human being that is present now above 10 years of age will be here-well only a few of those also. Except the river by our house will still be flowing, and most of the old trees will still be around-they will all be there. We shall be no longer around-not even a memory of us, maybe a headstone in some cemetery. I don`t even want that at all-I see no reason to be remembered by a granite peace of stone that had outlived me. 

Yet, man is the mover and shaker of the planet, yet we are given the least amount of physical time to enjoy our life, by the time we could, we are dead cold. By the time we have acquired a tiny bit of wisdom; we die. Now-isn`t this just so unfair? Cruel? Ironic? Who could do this and why? And what is a hundred years anyway?  A  mere short line in a history book. What an awful thought, we are less than a speck of dust in the scheme of things.

We work so hard, we plan, we sweat, we strive, we stress-we love. We go through all kinds of grief and pain and in the end we are like a breath of air-poof and we are no more. So I wonder what it is all for? We say we believe in the afterlife, or reincarnation of other ideas that allow our mind some peace, for we cannot comprehend the fact or believe that we are mere mortal. We try so hard to force ourselves to believe-yet no matter how spiritual we are, how deep our faith is, there is always doubt. A question mark-for in reality no one really knows. No books will tell you, for they all have been written by man, no philosophy will guide you for that too is simply a viewpoint of man, no sacred script from the ancients to make one feel 100% sure. There just maybe nothing at all after this short life.

No one has the upper hand about life hereafter-we try and guess, try and understand , make up believable stories, relate our NDE experiences-but the stark truth is-we have no idea, and it does not bring us closer to the truth whatsoever. So, Dawkins just maybe right-there  maybe just nothing.Think about this-where you are today, how much you have lived and how much time you may have-the best estimation, and wonder at the "why", what is the reason for all? 

Do you wonder why people may try and escape the idea through various means like drugs, alcohol? I don`t it actually makes more sense than anything ever written in books, for it is the interpretation of our own mind. And the question arises-that if we have to go, is it better to go sooner or later?  Is it better to keep up the suffering and all the problems of life Or is it still better to enjoy and see the beauty of creation? Experience love and the joy of the moments-though it maybe very fleeting? I don`t know yet- but still there is that tiny thing that escaped from "Pandora`s box" in the end called "hope". Maybe, just maybe there is something- I do hope.

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