Wednesday 8 March 2017


No matter how well we know how to give advice, know the psychology behind events in life, we often need help ourselves. We need a perspective that is from a distance, more often than not we are far too close to the situations affecting us. Generally we are far too busy feeling sorry for our selves-“the poor me complex”, makes us feel a little better temporarily, especially when people agree with us. Makes us feel we are right, and the other person was wrong. Not so.  All events in life that turn up have a reason to do so, that is how we need to approach it-they are all reflections of ourselves and what we need to learn most. Be that  huge events, or simply a slight nudge from a minor situations. Everything is in perfect synchronicity-even if to us it seems chaotic.

The funny thing or rather the universal truth about this is that once we face it head on, one sees it in a different light and miraculously we see things that were in our blind which are the actual reasons for the event. No event is life is there to punish us-we just feel wounded and the reaction we experience makes us feel negative and dark, yet it is often a circumstance to lead us more into the light.

We all have disappointments in life, then we beat ourselves up about it and tell ourselves different stories- “we are not good enough, we are undeserving, we are worthless, we are not OK, we messed up” and by doing this we make the situation even worse, instead of accepting it all, giving it voice and allowing to be set free. Only then do the different experiences open up to us like a doorway to different future situations, leading into something else-often something greater and more valuable than before. If this is the way we look at things, then each disappointment is really an exciting opportunity in life.

We love to play “the blame game”, however that is strictly a way to divert the light from ourselves, for we are all responsible for our own story-nobody makes us do things, we just do it to ourselves. So if things go wrong  accept it, analyze it, and move on-learning the lesson that was in it.  We cannot change people, all we can do is change ourselves-and the anger, the frustration, the disappointment has no place in the situations any more. The sooner we realize this, the better for it is simply a waste of energy that can be spent elsewhere in more positive channels . Remember you are never a victim-you always have a choice.

All this now in plain English-face the situation, realize that life will go on and that you are “ok”-let things go, do a spring cleaning of your life. Eraze the negativity connected to the situation, bless it and allow it to leave-don`t revisit it. Life has so much more to offer, it is a waste of time and effort to wallow in “old, useless “energy that has no more place in your life. Make some positive affirmations- "I am worthy, I am valuable, I am special, I am deserving, I am a divine creature, I am lovable, and I am OK"-and no matter how bad things seem, it could always be worse. Let  "I am writing my own legend", be your mantra. Don`t give away your power to anyone-if you have, then reclaim it. So bless all in your life-be it good  or bad and  be grateful for both, be grateful for all.  Go with the flow-go with where there is least resistance, for that is the right path-your “tao”.

You have missed the train for a good reason, but remember there is always an other one coming along-and this time it just maybe the “bullet train” and just image how great it will be. The possibilities are endless-just look around and see. And so it is.


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