Tuesday 21 March 2017

No changes

Image result for eros and agape

Sometimes fate, or as I said yesterday destiny works in mystical  ways in our lives-always for some reason. Thus is the mindset why I always allow things to flow at their own pace. I try hard always to do the right thing, for myself and others-holding steadfastly at my beliefs most fervently. Little things at times produce enormous results within the confines of the landscape of the soul. A word, a tiny action can make a tremendous difference in our lives-making our spiritual life, as well as our physical life much richer in every way and most grateful to God.

Kindness, goodness, honesty, acceptance, respect and loyalty goes a long way to determine a character and value of a soul-yes, Robby Burns is right-“a man`s a man for all that”, a perfect description of  the ideal man. Holiness is not sitting in contemplation or praying all day, but how we behave towards each other, towards people we love and care for no matter what transpired. We all make mistakes, forgiveness is a great virtue-even when it is not present, however deep love keeps soldiering on.

 Love is like that-I do not necessarily mean in a romantic sense, for that I feel is the most shallow part of love, however very important-but real love is like an iceberg, the larger part floats below the surface, in essence that is what love really is. It goes far beyond the physical existence of our being. I think perhaps even the Greeks held the term “agape” above the term “eros” followed by “philia and “storge”-for they knew that the spiritual aspect of being human far outweighs the physical.-my humble thoughts on this.

 Often we get confused about love-it is handled very frivolously, emotionally and above all in a very worldly sense; yet its existence rises above the physical and resides within the realms of  the “celestial” or the more descriptive term would be  “within the confines of the eternal”-well, that is if we believe that we have a soul that is eternal. I doubt that Dawkins, Dennett or Hawkins would agree here with me-however, their truth is just as valid as mine. Faith is such, I don`t necessarily mean this in a specific religious sense-they have their beliefs, I have mine.

 Why all these strange thought in my head, or rather in my heart today? Something happened, that took me by surprise, took my breath away literally-well not really for I always knew at the core of my being, at a soul level about many things; and these events I knew would transpire, the only thing was when. And it happened now-and I thank God for it, for some things are forever.  Everything in life needs temporal time, though sadly we don`t have enough of it-so we should always live our lives with that idea so as not to have gut wrenching regrets later-for regrets cannot be ever re-done.

 Anyway-thank you from my heart, spirit and soul; for love is like this. No more words needed for the soul to understand as to what I am trying to say here so very clearly, well -“as clear as mud”. But I always knew this outcome, for these are the dictates, the values, reason and concepts of deep love, which is the spirit of God in action within us. Some things  can never be undone, and will never be-and so it is.

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