Tuesday 21 March 2017


Image result for entropy
Do you ever sometimes think about love? Who or what orchestrates it? Sure-once more the words “fate, destiny” comes to mind.  But if we really think about it everything in nature has a clear cut plan-nothing is random, just seems so because we have such a small, narrow tunnel vision. I remember at university in “chemistry lab”-an Indian professor was explaining something and he was explaining the term ”entropy”. That everything works towards entropy-I thought about it often throughout the years, but I disagree with the term. Maybe to scientists it seems to be the most accepted theory, but not to me-and quite a few renowned theoretical physicists these days seem to hold the same view. Life is much more complicated and harmonious, and in balance for it to be in complete chaos. Now, that theory makes even less sense than “string theory”.

Where am I going with all this –off on a tangent so it seems-but not at all. Think about: who you are? Look in the mirror, look at yourself, look at you hands and all the intricate parts of your body and the way it works, functions like a precision instrument. But then who are you really? Where were you a year before you were born? Where were you when they dropped the bomb on Hiroshima? Where were you during the French revolution? Where were you when Julius Caesar was murdered?  Where were you when the pyramids were built? Perhaps you were present all those times-why not? You ever expand each time you come into existence, ever creating. But, it is always “you” in different clothes. Not as bizarre as you may think. This thought is just as valid as any other. You think, you are self-aware, you are conscious-but what do all those words actually mean? Sure we can go back to a certain point in creation no matter how far, but then what is beyond that?

So this brings me back to my original thought on love. What is it? And why is it? How do we fall in love? Why do we fall in love? Is it strictly just for the sake of procreation? We say love chooses us-but does it-or is it all predestined? I think that every single moment is planned down to the slightest detail-and it`s all for a reason. The reason always was and always is and always will be. Someone whom you love deeply was always present, is present and always will be present within you. It is a very old story spanning eons-we just at times forget, and falling in love makes us remember once more.

When we love we are whole, we become our true self once again. We are reminded that we are the divine purpose, the thought of God-“Shiva and Shakti”-consciousness and energy, thus we create. God dreams, we create the dream. Not just an other human being, but everything. Nothing can or will be created without this-that is also the reason that when we “love” we become even more creative in every way –so our entire life is for the purpose of finding that other part of our being for the purpose of creation, the theory of “biocetrism” comes into existence.

First thought was Shiva, the primordial  force of consciousness, then Shakti primordial force of energy. Who is whom is determined by your own inner voice-but love brings these two forces together, or perhaps they seek each other out. Love is the actual voice of our other self, calling us. The quest in life is to find each other, when you have found it, it can never be unbound-it is the true “quantum entanglement”. Ever present eons ago, ever present now, ever present in the future. We are ever within each other, ever connected even if you are on an other planet or in a different galaxy or even in death, for that is just stepping into an other dimension-and you are still “entangled”.

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