Wednesday 22 March 2017

Of rings

It is all about

Image result for silver band with intertwined hearts
Rings are very special to me. I wear ten-a good number being a “one” in numerology, new beginnings. But then each day is a new beginning, thus an other opportunity to experience life. I wear so many, not because of the “jewellery affect”, but because of memories. Each one conjures up something special, has its own story without words; a certain time, or event in my life, plus reminder of the person that it came from. They don`t have much value monetarily except my engagement ring-the others are just their value in silver or the gold. No-I do not look like a Christmas tree, they are all very humble, rings filled with humility and love-lying next to each other in rows of two and three.

The 1st ring- This was my engagement ring when I was 18. It came in the form of two old diamond rings, that got a new lease on life by being reset. My husband presented me with it on a Christmas eve many years ago. The ring is here, he is no longer in the earthly realm-something to think about. He asked me to marry him. Or maybe I asked him-I still have to think about it-but then what can one say about an 18 year old who is madly in love with a handsome, successful man who was 10 years her senior. Even these days I get compliments on this ring,  for it looks so uniquely beautiful.

The 2nd  ring-my wedding ring with five small diamonds, engraved with his name and our wedding date,  was slipped on my finger on a Sunday, 14th of December at the Church of the Holy Angels in Johannesburg-I won`t say the year as that would date me. I was beautiful-he was beautiful and all of life was just beautiful a that moment. It was a  very sacred ceremony, a “Nuptial Mass”-with a wonderful  acquaintance of a family friend, who sang Guonod`s Ave Maria that echoed hauntingly through the church-I can still hear it.

The 3rd  ring–a wide band with a scatter of diamonds, a gift from my mom about 12 or so years ago. There was no special occasion, just as a reminder of her. She is still great, doing wonderfully, very youthful- painting 8 hours a day-she will be 92 on the 29th of  June, 2017. She surly defies her age-a little while ago we went to the emergency with some complaint she had, the results from the doctor was pure astonishment at all her test results-CAT scan, x-ray, MRI and gastric scope, including an uncomfortable colonoscopy. The end result of all the test was a simple diagnosis of one word-“constipation". Plus the results were followed by a proclamation by the doctor: “we should put up a statue of you in front of the hospital to show what a 91 year old should look like and be like, and live like. It is a wonderful testament to you and the way you have conducted your life”-even though she suffered through the war and so many other negative experience. I really think that it is the affect of the energy of “gratefulness” for she is always grateful for everything in her life.

The 4th ring-was the one that my biological father gave my mother, on her birthday-the very day I was conceived on the banks of the Danube. The one and only time that they were ever intimate-but loved each other for the next scores of years. He used to say-"love is here- pointing to his heart, and then his head” neither of them ever thought to be together in this life, for they were united in spirit-true “twin flames”. He was the love of her life, as she was of his.  He was a very special, shining soul, an angel indeed even before he had died. A towering intellect, with deep wisdom, a true academic- a wonderful example to all whom he had touched. He dedicated his life to his student at the university, where later on in his life he became dean. Indeed he was "the salt of the earth, and light of the world". I asked him why he didn`t leave the country when my parents did-his answer was: "If we all left there would be no Hungary".

The 5th ring-belonged to my maternal grandmother, it was her wedding band. She was a school teacher for almost 50 years-loved and respected by her students. She too had a long , healthy, productive life-she died at home peacefully from heart failure. She always stated that she had the “intent” to live to 94-she died at 93-she was just off a few months. Yes-she did leave numerous footprints behind on this tiny blue orb.

The 6th ring-is a silver ring that my daughter wore for many years-when they moved  to her new house, she gave me a box filled with costume jewellery and accidentally her silver  band was among them. So, seeing she didn`t look after it properly, I told her I would give it a better home. And is still is on my finger, where as she has lost a few since that time, as she always takes them off.

The 7th ring-was a Christmas gift from my brother-originally it was a watch, but I decided to exchange it for a hand made silver wide band- as I have one watch that I received from my father when I was in grade 4-. Yes-running ever since, no batteries, nothing. A Swiss Baum & Mercier-the Rolls Royce of watches, so is the price but is worth it, for it is for life-and so it is.

The 8th  ring- was a found at a flea market, made somewhere in the east judging from its appearance. I had bought it for  a mere $3 many years ago.

The 9th ring- Is a copy of an original I had that I had received on my 17th birthday-a pearl with diamonds around it-the pearl fell out and I had lost the ring, now I only have the pearl. The replacement is not with a pearl, but cubic zirconia, but looks exactly as it did. Thus-as I look at it each day, I am reminded of my happy, carefree teenage years-and of friends I care about and love to this day.

The 10th ring-What can I say about this ring? It is all about us. What secrets does it hold? Or not?  Love eternal perhaps? Or not? Is he still thinking of me ? Or not?  Being a ten-is new beginnings and rather special. This is the 2nd generation of this ring-as the first one was thrown into Lake Ontario in 2012, with an attached note-out of anger, rage, pain and heart break-for which immediately I had deeply regretted. Why regretted it? Well, to be honest once a thing is done, is said, is declared it  cannot be undone nor taken back; love cannot be unbound if it was real-if it can, then it wasn`t real, but just a mirage of love.

Thus, henceforth all experiences, events, feelings that have flown out from those days, have now a life of their own.  It all exists for its own purpose, its own desire and its own sacred manifestation of divine energy-its very goal being met through the very experience of "us". To me it was and is always real-something like what my father had said in silence, as he pointed to his heart and his head. Nothing more is needed to demonstrate it, or to be said for it can only be known, felt by the heart and soul. No words necessary, no contact necessary, no hearing each others heart beat necessary. For it has already been all said and done. Nothing to be added or subtracted.

So-soon after that fateful, woeful day-I replaced it once more. Now-it is a silver band made of small hearts-10 to be exact in total each one leaning in a different position-all touching each other at some point. It kind of reminds me of the different lives we have lived that have touched each other each time.  Thus is love-as Elizabeth Barrett-Browning so poignantly had said ”How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…..” I am at peace wearing the ring-I hope you are at peace wearing the "Cross of Lorrain". Be happy.

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