Saturday 18 March 2017


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Fate knows all about you, it knows your fears and your weaknesses and your confidences and strengths, and it can be ready for all of them when it decides that the time is right. It can move you like a pawn in a terrible game of chess, sacrifice you for the good of others, drop you from a building you should never have been inside, give you a disease that no one has ever heard of. Luck and chance are impartial. Fate is active. It picks on people. Almost as if it thinks about things too much ...


Have you ever wondered about your destiny? Wondered where it is leading? Planned the future? Are things predestined? Do we actually have choices? Never works according to plan does it? Then why on earth do we do it? We all do it-even kids do it, yet nothing ever works according to plan-maybe for perhaps a teeny % of people, though I even doubt that. Whether you follow your fate or follow your destiny is up to you. No one else can make that decision for you, just as no one else can make your heart beat for you or taste for you.

My approach these days is leave it all up to God, or fate or whatever you want to call it-then one is not disappointed, actually it often is a great surprise, often better than we could have planned. So-allow fate to flow at its own pace, at its own will and then things turn out the way they have to. The more we resist things, the worse they get-this is regarding everything . Try it-and prove it to yourself. The Chinese had it right so many centuries ago-“always go with the least resistance”. The thing is that as we move through life, the force of fate creates events that we only appreciate when we reflect back on our existence.

It is said that there is a difference between destiny and fate? Destiny is seen as what you create if solve the puzzle and manifest one of the possibilities defined by your potential. Fate is seen as what happens if you never manifest your potential never solve the puzzle of who you are.

Some people just want to play at life, take it easy and work with what their family, society and generation outline as their expectations for you. Others want to work at life, to plough the field of possibilities, sow their seeds of greatness, nurture their potential and reap their own rewards. They want to define who they are and live in a house of their own making.

The decision of which to choose is a highly personal choice, both equally accepted and supported  by who know the value of both moving with the tides and striving against the current of society. The banquet of life is yours to pursue.

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