Wednesday 1 February 2017


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 "On April 2, 1513, Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon and his crew became the first recorded Europeans to set eyes on Florida. Legend holds that they made this discovery while searching for the Fountain of Youth, a magical water source supposedly capable of reversing the ageing process and curing sickness"-now I would not minding to go on such a quest.

We all know that we all have to die, however has the thought ever occurred to you that maybe, just maybe you will be the “one exception” never to die. Do we die because we expect to? Or do we die because we were told we would? Or is our entire being is so wired to the idea? How about if we could totally erase the thought from our mind-completely; press a delete button so the thought would vanish forever, would we live forever-or many years longer? Never grow old? Or better still-totally rejuvenate, regenerate our aging cells?  Or prevent them from aging? I would love that.

Now-I am sure that longer is possible as that is being proven by science-that being positive in every sense does expand lifespan. Is this the reason why we are living longer these days-not because of medicine and new technologies. Not because of environment either. Well. Sure the environment, nutrition and actual genetics do play into the equation, but to what degree?

If the premise is true that we are co-creators of our lives, would we, could we determine length indefinitely? Whatever we think we can create-so why not this? This is the jargon of the "new age"philosophy. According to some “channels”-beings existing  in different universes, galaxies, dimensions are able to do that. They state that we are in the state we are in is due to our thoughts and conditioning. It is because we are far too tied into the physical, and if we raise our consciousness, awareness to a higher vibrational state-then the physical can also be controlled-as many of them do function on physical levels as well. One tends to imagine that once we ascend to higher dimensions, or if we activate more of our DNA-all physicality will fall away. Maybe not, for physicality also is a vehicle for many things in the spiritual realm.

Many enlightened ”gurus” will say-that the physical body at that point is not needed at all-I disagree. Well, maybe I just like some of the physical experiences it lends us. Or I am just not that advanced enough in the “spirituality department”- and cannot let go of the physical ties-hoping that we could perhaps have both-and just maybe all those “gurus” are wrong and I am right-or we are all right as we get what we imagine, create and wish for.

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