Friday 3 February 2017


Image result for flowing river
Sometimes one want to help an other in trouble, and no matter how one tries one cannot for not lack of trying, but for some unkown reason, there is obstruction . Sadly then it seems from the outside that one does not want to help-though, I think perhaps the soul knows always the true reasons for all actions. The universe seems to conspire against the situation with full force for some reason.  My intention is sincere and comes from my heart, for I love her very much. She so deserves to find peace, for she is a wonderful soul.

What is the answer then? Do we keep pushing at the situation with even more force, or just allow it just to flow without hindering it even more?- and it will find its own way, its own level; as the Chinese proverb says. Sometimes, perhaps one needs to navigate around those rocks  by one`s self- maybe that is the reason why God does not allow the help. I feel sad because whatever happened in the past, is gone; and she thinks it is out of revenge that she is not being helped, which is not true. The love I feel for her will always be there, nothing she could ever do could change that. I feel sad for her not seeing this , or understanding this. She can do no wrong. Yes, I may have been angry, but not for selfish reasons, for I always wished and hoped the best for her-above all to find love and peace.

It is said then one should pray about it-but pray for the best outcome; not what we may think is right. My help perhaps would not be the right outcome for her and she has to find her own way. I suppose I just answered my own question.

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