Sunday 5 February 2017

Old movies

Image result for immortal beloved
Quote from Ludwig van Beethoven`s letter to his immortal beloved.

I hardly ever watch movies on TV these days. Neither am I a fan of the movie houses these days. I cannot think the last time I went. There is absolutely nothing I want to see, or interested in.  Most is simply just numbing for the mind and dumbing down intelligence. Then  people wonder why the world is the way it is, well it is because of all this rubbish on the screen; death and destruction and immorality. Well, all does all go “ape s…” before a major change which we have recently stepped into. Ascension is not easy, neither is enlightenment.

I am rather a romantic, so I do watch some movies on line, but strictly period films. Mostly of historical genre, all sorts of costume dramas. And yes-just on the other end of the spectrum, I just love science fiction. I always have, just the “space” ones no other. I still love Star Trek to this day, and all its various “generations”.

Crazy I know, for in a sense for they are the two extremes-but my take on it is that I have lived lives in the past and many in the future. Perhaps in parallel universes, maybe I am still living it. Like the very first book that fascinated me: “The Education of Oversoul 7”. Great little book which reminded my soul of things beyond what we see. It was an awfully strange book  at the time, but these “dimensional theories” are becoming more mainstream . One thing that I learnt a long time ago from an admired wonderful soul many years ago, that “whatever the mind can conceive, can certainly happen”. And I have been living with that notion for dozens of years.

However, I really think that it has always been within me always-fragments of memories from the past perhaps.  I remember when I was 12 I was reading about the Maya and 2012, and I thought: ”God, how far is that, I can`t wait for it to happen ”. And now we are far beyond it, how mind boggling is this? I also always had this very strong pull for Atlantis, as well as ancient Egypt; maybe it is a remembrance, or just romance or mere insanity.

Years ago I received letters from someone who loved me; and one day my daughter read a few of his letters and remarked: “Wow, he just stepped out of your past-it is like the 18th century all over again” . I liked that observation from her. Yes, he probably did for a brief moment, just as a brief reminder for next time. 
I think I have lived more lives in the past  than in the future, however who is to know. I am sure one day we shall all find out the naked truth of where we have been and where we have come from and above all where we are going. Maybe from dust we are, and  to dust shall we return once more-nothing else. We shall become a flower or a tree or a grain of sand on a beach.

Image result for immortal beloved letter

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