Sunday 5 February 2017

All passes

At times, he mind wanders to strange spaces and places, often where we dare not venture. But, it is very much needed. To be complete human being-soulwise one needs to face all, the good, the bad and the ugly. I have been fortunate in my life in many ways, for I do not agonize over things like the past, I have no emotional baggage and I try to live my life as positively as possible. 

I have never really been depressed, have the odd “black dog days” as Churchill put it, but not much to complain about. I tell myself: "it too shall pass", and it does. I have an escape valve, my faith. I try and often force myself to live one day at a time, and that makes it easy as one can put a “bad yesterday” easily behind. 
My life has been easy in many ways, but I believe that we steer our own lives in whatever direction we wish. Intention and faith are the two most important components of my life-love giving it life. I am doing what I love to do, and know that I have helped hundreds of people. This gives me immense satisfaction, fulfilment and self worth. I am just simply happy being me. Not because I am that great, not because people take my advice, which I myself seldom do not do , but just being grateful for my life and taking part to do my bit on this blue orb. Often , true-I do not practice what I preach, and I am honest and I tell them, :”Do as I say, not do as I do”. But for all else-in all honesty would not want be anyone else.
Why do I visit those strange spaces and paces-well so that I do not forget all the things that have happened in my life, for I feel if I do; it was worth not the effort, nor the work, nor the pain, nor the happiness, nor the joy, nor the love. It was all a waste of them if forgotten. I feel nothing I have ever done has been a waste, because it still lives fully in me-it has gone nowhere but deeper into the core of my soul. So, no regrets-ever.

So, my humble advice is -no matter how bad things are, or good, always try to remember once in a while, so it is never lost in the mists of time. And in the end- nothing stays the same, it all changes and "it all too shall pass".

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