Sunday 5 February 2017


Image result for wine cheese and grapes italy
Being alone gives pause for thought. There is been lots of work up in Maple. A big farm is all mans`s work so I am told, especially pruning the vines. The land is something very special to the Italian soul-it is part of it; be it here in Canada, or in Italy. So, I am on reprieve loaded up with some great Italian wine, cheese and fabulous desserts to make me even fatter than I am, mom also. I really do not deserve all this love and attention. I was ordered, to do as I wish and relax for a few days-with some sweet messages of concern though out the day. Maybe “I am lonely? Maybe you miss me like crazy like  I do? What are you doing? Are you thinking of me as I of you? “ -is the general mantra. I do not deserve all this, maybe I was good in a past life and I just draw romantic men to my heart. I suppose, love chooses us as I often say-we do not choose love.

I love being with my thoughts and in the company of silence-and memories, for they are so very precious to me. Life is so very unpredictable, never in my wildest dreams could I have thought or predicted my life today as it is unfolding. I had other plans-and were sure that I would have waged my life on it. Well I was sure-guess he was not. But, God works in miraculous ways, we all get returned what we send out, often many times over. I am happy-but I feel some pain, the loss, the regret however , is not my own, not for myself-but sadly I cannot do anything about it. 

Are these thoughts, a betray of Gino-no for he knows and understands, I have not lied about love ever. We all have a past-he does also and life just goes on as according to plan. But being loved is such a gift, such a blessing-I have no idea why I am so lucky  for I have done nothing of worthiness to be so deserving. 

Ti amo con tutto il mio cuore Gino-Gazie.

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