Sunday 5 February 2017

The grand shift

Image result for new earth
 Ah-yes-`tis now Rumi`s time-3 am, when God speaks to man!

Many here on the planet at this point in temporal time are old souls-so, intrinsically they know, feel and understand these changing patterns in evolution of man and planet.  The human “change of condition” is at hand now –trying to anchor harmony and balance. It is a misconception that there is chaos, nothing is as it seems-so just relax.  We are here to create harmony, though it seems rather chaotic these days. Just see the full picture of what is happening and what we see what we are facing. A brand new energy is enveloping the earth.

Humanity is on a unique path, we are all facing change-internal as well as planetary; we have to accept this gift of creation, for it is good and extraordinary on an evolutionary scale. This occurrence or coming of this “cosmic shift” is here that started in 1989. Most often we see through a lens that is circumspect, we see only within the box, we need to expand our vision.

Old souls know that they need to balance “the self”, change gracefully with wisdom and dispel fear. Nothing will escape this change-so get used to it. Everything will be altered; biology of life as well as the planet. All will recalibrate, in personal relationships, changes in vocations, feelings, emotions. These will be more intense in feeling the in positive and negative frequencies; a higher and lower potency-like a roller coaster.  Profundity of the shift is moving towards more benevolence, even if it does not seem so. It is. Old souls never go to the worst denominator, which is fear. One should never expect the worst, especially in these changing times-which is  now. This one is big one folks-so fasten your seat belts and enjoy the ride for we are awakening to new truths.

What may they be ? Compassion, understanding beyond reality; a change in polarity of coherence and sameness. For as long as we can look back in history, things have been the same-“history repeats itself” is the mantra. Just because it always has been the same, we want it to stay the same-for we feel more safe in what to expect. “Changing coherence” is metaphor -what used to be in the past; -so change is seen as trouble, seen as something  negative. The big lie we tell our selves is ” no change is good- and a future filled with new things is scary”. I have to admit I too hate change-but I have realized it is all ego-generated, and fear being the whisperings of that dark angel of the soul. I do confess that I am lately acclimatizing myself very fast to the changes, and each day-I feel better about it, especially lately.

Change now has the promise of benevolence-and that is a safety net. Human nature says-“fight or quit” when we are scared or frightened-that is not the reaction of an old soul-that is 6 year old`s reaction. Yes, there are some negative-hard times ahead that we have to navigate through -but it is all possible, for we have been give the tools of awakening.  Do not judge the future by looking back at the past. This causes much anxiety, shortens life and we anguish about it. Old souls will understand that at times change will disrupt things-so a new paradigm can go into action. One can replace, let go old thinking, or things that have no place in existence any more. This shift is a shake up, it is introduction of new stuff, of new ideas and new ways of life for the planet. The turmoil is simply the energy of change –like muddy waters that in time eventually settle and become clear once more.

Just work through it-one day at a time-minute by minute. Imagine in front of yourself a blank blackboard- write on it what you want, expect and  accept; anything that is important to you, even things beyond your imagination and just wait with expectation. Normalcy maybe upset, but that is fine-accept it, realize it is part of the “shift”, part of world finding its balance with integrity, with love, with compassion. Anger is a futile emotion, so is revenge and negativity.

Accept that all that is happening  with much grace, for it is the greatest gift from Our Creator, we are blessed to be witness to these times in history. Do not worry, stress, but see it in the light of joy and grace. Do the best you can to add to this this “new world”, no matter how small; be the I AM peace, be the I AM  light, be the I AM beauty, be the I AM compassion, be the I AM empathy, be the I AM understanding, be the I AM forgiveness, be the I AM mercy, be the I AM gratefulness, be the I AM love. You see I AM is always a verb.

Associate with people who understand these tumultuous time; live as the Good Book says- “by their fruits you will know them” not by self righteous preaching. Just do, just act. This is the wisdom and understanding  of an old soul-to see the gift-feel where all will go and relax into it, give it time and expect wonderful surprises. We know innately this to be the truth, it is telling us that we will get through it.

Year 2016 was “completion 9” remember? Year 2017 is 1 “new beginnings” remember? Remember we are in year of “change” 5? (year 1 was 2013 not 2012-so 2017  is 5) Understanding this balance, awakening from the “great sleep” is upon us and will create a beautiful new earth, a new human. This may take some time but never complain- for some things will need to be learnt-let go of past to attain the future. Old energy concepts cannot be re framed overnight. Do it now as an old soul, expect long life; for it is as you envision for yourself . Let us remember to watch our language-establish great habits, lifestyle, thinking, vision and behavior. Our words set up reality; “the grand machine” is listening and it will deliver what we ask. Let us live our lives with integrity, honesty and truth. Let us live, love with  benevolence, compassion and light.

Prayers, affirmations, mantras have deep power, a direct pathway to “God/Source/Divine Consciousness/Creator/Cosmic Energy, call “Him, She, Them, It” what you will. Allow the body to hear loud and clear what you are saying, instruct it -give it orders to respond. Our “divine spark” is ever awake, listening, waiting for those instructions to fulfil it through its power and energy.

Many are seeing it manifest in their own lives- truly what is happening on the planet has never ever happened before in creation. You do not have to be of a certain belief-all religions are saying the same-all on the same track on route to change, for we are all human created by the same “God force” or whatever you conceive creation to be . We are all on the same journey participating in the grandest change in creation, in the creation of the new human and the new earth.

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