Saturday 11 February 2017


Sometimes a word is enough to get one going on a certain path-as I mentioned in my previous blog what my daughters present  “life plan “is. Well, I mentioned “tapping”-EFT, that I have not visited in years-lately I have. So I thought I would confess that I am really into it now, big time-and it will change your life. I strongly recommend you do some research on it, especially the videos and website of founder Gary Craig, if you want to move into the deeper end of the pool-Robert Smith. Maybe it is not for you-however, you have to approach it with an open mind and allow, and release all other belief system.

I have returned to it the past 10 days or so-it is easier than any other system, and miracles will happen almost instantly. I have-only the past week incorporated it into the protocol of a few of my patients-and even in this very earlier stage, they feel that it is making a difference in their lives.

All diseases, all physical problems arise from the mental sphere-the emotional baggage-some of us have more , some less. But we all have some, so we can always improve the situation.  It is not the physical causing the emotional, but the emotional causing the physical. All ancient healing techniques state this.

Acupuncture is over 5,000 years old. How did they know about the meridians? How did they know about its energy system? Today even the WHO accepts it in pain relief-however it can be used for much more. It is used in many hospitals, recuperative centers, and preventive medicine-as well as chronic and acute situations. No-it is not the placebo effect, neither is it hallucination. But, even if it was-if it works, hell give it a chance if it will make your life better. Even the best of us is struggling with some problem-so give it a whirl, and make stuff happen.

The planet as it is awakening-more and more of the ancient knowledge, ancient innate wisdom is being released from our DNA-or as I believe the :”akhash”. Now-you do not have to be a “new age” freak to see the changes in the world relating to concepts of belief system. Just look how popular the book; “The Secret” was-and understand that we are in a totally new paradigm, and need to let all the old go. Need to let all the emotional baggage go. We need to be working on the present-and wake up to the new world.

So if you are interested-I feel that I needed to put this out there as so many people are reading my blog from all over the word-and a free webinar is coming up late this February/2017-and you may just like it-and if it changes just a little one life it was worth my post-thanks-. I will be doing the webinar also!

Blessings and love and light to you!-happy “tapping”.
Oh just one more thing-please share all this information, especially if it works for you; even if it does not, it may for the next person. Remember we are all: " one soul collective" in a sense, so what we do for others we do unto ourselves- Namaste!

actually this none below is the one I am doing-"the world summit", you may have to copy and  put it into your browser- it is free! Just need to register.

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