Friday 10 February 2017

Just do it

I probably have mentioned this before-, but often things come up and one is reminded of 
some things that one  has learned in the past  that we were sure we would practice always-and we seem to lose it in a while.  The thing is; "if you don`t use it, you lose it" is true. What am I talking about?  Well my interest are what would called eclectic, not just in healing but in everything –especially many things I use in my practice were termed ”new age” therapies in the recent past –many are becoming more mainstream these days. Some examples in the healing area are-homeopathic medicine, acupuncture, auricular therapy, kinesiology, Bowen therapy, Reiki, NLP, creative visualization, various yogic techniques-these are just a few as the list goes on.

This flows other into other areas as well as, and other levels that would be categorized as “spiritual” or “energy fields”.   Different  “channelings” from  a few “groups“ –are an important aspect for me, for whom I have strong affinity for. My daughter, for example  is working on the “Abraham Hicks”  channelings and on the “Course in  Miracles”, autogenic training and EFT (tapping). She also practices specific relaxation techniques, a daily list of affirmations and the “Gayatri Mantra” and some meditation.  She finds this is a great “plan” for her.

I have been doing many things-but too many is not good either-and I have to narrow it down to a few specific ones. Focus, intention, determination, commitment is of priority. I have come to understand that you cannot be a master of everything- or you do not accomplish anything. So I have been for some weeks thinking and become a little more involved in certain practices-and formulate an actual plan, an actual map for myself –otherwise one then is simply blowing senselessly in the wind.  One may know much- but use little to change one`s life- for it is all watered down, too much information is just too overwhelming-blows the circuits.

Why? Well 2017 is the time for new beginnings, and I decided to go with the flow. Now is certainly the time to leave the old energy behind and step into the new, or –we do have a choice to stay in the old. I have full heartedly accepted the "new paradigm"-and to let the old go. However there are only so many things one can do, but they all actually lead to the same destination, to a higher awareness or consciousness-through physical, emotional or spiritual practices. There are numerous to choose from. And certainly it is not “one fit for all”. We need to choose wisely, reflectively and be accept the plan we draw up-and execute it. Plans are useless without actions. Plan the work, and work the plan.

One needs to decide what is it that one wants to accomplish. What areas one needs to work on. First one needs to deal with all the emotional baggage, determine the problems with open eyes and acceptance-see what approach will work for that and then continue. But a map is certainly needed-and only then can one start the spiritual quest. Each map as individual as a snowflake.  Now all this is not revelation-neither an epiphany, for all you need is open the internet and find what would work for you.  Search, check out a few things and you will find many that will work for you and you feel good with. Trust me they all work-but one needs to do it.  A plan is a must, actions is a must, as well as giving it time to accomplish the goal.

Thomas Merton said:” Spirituality is not a journey of putting your foot one before the other- not  step by step; but opening the eyes and realizing you are already there”.  See what works for you-open your eyes and you are already there.

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