Sunday 8 January 2017

Love imagined

Image result for gigi i remember it well  music
Funny the way the mind works-I remember the musical number from : “Gigi” called “I remember it well”, where two people reminisce and each remember certain incidents quiet differently in their relationship. I think often, when we are in a situation-be that a romantic one or any other, we view it from a certain perspective that most touches us, and later as we recall our memories are very different of the event.

I think that this human behaviour is very present in our romantic relationships. We tend to remember what we want to remember, and often remembrance is rather selective, especially later. Now-I also think that perhaps this behavior is also present within relationships of the moment, we do not want to see the truth that is staring us in the face. We often over romanticize our connections. However once the last ember of passion has died out-we try and move on, but our selective memories hold us hostage. We tend to remember the good, the pleasant and the joyful moments-not the ones that caused us heartache, pain and tears.

Are we dishonest about our feeling? Or just simply cannot let go? Or we do not want to let go? We would surely die says our heart, if we did let go. Well, let me assure you, one does not die. The point is that within the relationship, as it starts dying there are signs and the writing is on the wall some time before -yet we battle to save what was the greatest love of our lives. Well so we think. But –love is like the seasons, it keeps returning and often in a better version.  If one allows the heart once more to open up to love the experience becomes deeper and maybe even more meaningful. Perhaps it will reveal the actual truth, not just an illusion. 

Why?  Because true love never leaves, never passes, never ceases-only love imagined does, love that never really was. Now do you see?  Now do you understand?

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