Saturday 14 January 2017


One can wonder about human behavior, we are all the same, irrespective of race, colour or creed-and we so demonstrate it as well. Today coming home from the office I stopped to pick up a few things at the supermarket. As I was checking out, the cashier lady asks me: “why are you wearing an OM?” pointing to my necklace, on which I also have a cross. I was taken aback, no one has ever asked me, though I have worn these two symbols around my neck for years-I stopped to think for a moment as what to answer, for I never thought an answer was warranted.  “I am Catholic, but I believe in all religions-and in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God-which is for me is is the vibration of  OM”.

This is the problem with us humans-we tend to separate ourselves from each other, thinking that we should be one or an other faith, strict separation between religious beliefs-no mixing. This is what is causing all the strife, all the problems on the planet. Why not mix? Why not take from each other what to one may seem the truth? There is only one God-and under any name “God is God” or whomever one wishes the Creator to be. None of us know more than the other-we only think we do-for God is a forever mystery. None of us has the monopoly of knowing, no matter how many theology books we may study-mystical writings or spiritual knowledge shall forever be a mystery.

Some may believe that certain “spiritual gurus” know the secrets-but in truth no human does-as for the “ascended masters”, well they too are a matter of faith. Few of us may know a little more, but not the entire picture. No body has ever returned from the dead, apart from Jesus-and the few whom he resurrected. However-concrete proof we do not have, but most of us seek the answers, hoping for immortality of soul.

Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddanath-has a very interesting  easily understood lecture regarding the soul and life after death, from sacred Hindu writings-. True this is is an assumption, perhaps a "theological theory", but it works for me.  For me this is one of the closest explanation regarding the soul`s journey after death. This does not shake my Catholic faith, just takes it a step further-but even this does not explain totally the mystery, but does give a more stable footing on the immortality of  soul.

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