Sunday 15 January 2017

Changes and shift

These times, the planet has been going through major changes, and this process is going to continue for some time-many years infact . There has been a shift in the very way the Earth and all life is relating to the cosmos and ourselves- a rise in consciousness;an awakening. Something new is emerging from the human spirit-we are becoming a higher functioning human being-stepping up on the soul evolutionary scale.  With this comes a rise of boundless possibility of opportunity for different experiences of spirit. Time to "shed one`s old skin" as Og Madino so profoundly states-and become a new version of one`s self.  Time to let go of the old, of the faded, of the cumbersome-and allow spirit to soar.

There are two kinds of people on the planet – those who make things happen, and those who enjoy it when it happens well and complain when it is not happening to their liking. You may not see those who are making things happen in the forefront, but in the background, they are working tirelessly-these are the old souls and the “light workers”. This time around the turn of the year is like a molting for the planet and for all life. So-be daring-and "do, act and create" in this dimension-it does take time, but the initial steps need to be taken for get things in motion.

In the coming year, one needs the courage to commit one`s self to make somethings happen, things that are bigger than us.  Every other creature functions according to its instinct, lives and dies according to the natural laws. Being human means we can transcend the natural laws and make something happen that is larger than us-we can steer and navigate life, this was promised to us in the from of free will. You have the possibility to strive to do this, rather than enshrining your limitations with ideas of “my space, your space.” We need to open up our awareness and step out of the box, into the new paradigm, where the impossible is possible-for whatever the mind can imagine, so it can be.

You cannot preserve this life – you can only expend it. Whether you just sit around or create something fantastic, whether you do something profound or something silly, you will anyway die. Either way, you have to spend your life – the only question is how one does it. The choice of how we spend our lives is a human privilege. For every other creature, it is all fixed. It is in our hands how beautifully, how profoundly, how magnificently – or how foolishly, how uselessly, how lethargically we live. At this time of the year, external changes are many.

 The quality of human life will only truly change when we change within ourselves. Otherwise, we could be in the most beautiful place feeling miserable. To create what we want in the world, we have to bring many forces together. To create what one want within one`s self, one needs to bring one`s self together. The quality of human life will only truly change when we change within ourselves.

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