Tuesday 24 January 2017

Messed up

Often we are so sure about something that we would bet our very lives on it-then as time passes by we see how very foolish we were for everything we thought was true, was either an imagining or a lie that most probably was projected by the little self the ”ego”. So, these days I take things at their face value, but do not put much credence into it-. And I mean  regarding everything, for I know now and have learnt that nothing is real, neither is anything lasting-so why sweat over it.  I am talking about good and bad stuff in life-for be it good or bad it all passes-but it is getting harder and harder these days. 

I think we are living in a most unprecedented time in human evolution, and the raising of the consciousness of the planet.  The problem is, we look at all things and trying to find answers in the physical realm, where none is to be found, For it lies in an other realm, a higher one –that we find hard to comprehend. We are becoming more and more confused as time passes, for “what we don`t know we don`t know”-and for the human psyche to understand that is impossible and frustrating. An ant can only imagine reality as an ant, as we can only imagine it as far as our human intellect will allow us. We are more wired  or grounded in the physical than in the higher realms of existence. We need to see it before we believe it-so says science, and we being told for so long believe it-and this is the stumbling block-we cannot transcend the idea.

So then –what is actually life about?  I was doing some research on “anxiety disorders”-yes plural for it has many minor branches. I have so many patients, as well as family members  with absolutely weird and undiagnosed problems seem to exhibit scores of them, so I had to go on this quest. I was stunned, for lo and behold, I have found well over 150 symptoms-and I thought I knew all that was to know about anxiety, Now-many of the “new age” people will strongly disagree with this enlightenment, for they will tell you that they are all “symptoms of ascension”-in truth, perhaps they are right and we just label it “anxiety disorders”.

Now is it our lifestyle causing these symptoms? Stress hormones? Environment? Ascension? Or the actual  “shift”? Whatever it is , it is becoming alarmingly more, not regarding anxiety, but the increase in autism as well-which maybe tied in to all this somehow. It is actually scary to become pregnant these days as one does not know how the baby will turn out-one is in a state of anxiety and worry for at least 4 years plus the 40 weeks of  gestation. Looking seriously around in the world, examining the planet one sees how twisted and messed up all is, including the weather patterns. And-no, it is not all man made. Even if the change is upon us, I will take decades or even centuries more for it all to get back into balance.

No matter what the “channelings” say-they all try and calm the fears , it is hard to be human these days, and no wonder most of us are dreaming of things that were-“the good old  days”. Nobody has time, everybody has all sorts of mental, physical, psychological as well as financial problems-we are one screwed up, messed up blob of protoplasm heading for destruction if we do not mend our ways. It is all great and wonderful to talk of “awakening, higher consciousness, expanding the Merkabah, activating more DNA, having more faith, positive intention, meditate and recalibrating our energy fields ”.

But could one of the “channels” please tell us what to do exactly?  Maybe a manual? However these changing times are a killer for many, far too much to handle and very little that one can do about it. Every second patient that comes to see me literally cries-be that men or women. Most are all on various medications for “mental disorders”, there are so many on the market now that one cannot keep track;  and I feel so very helpless, and their energy  interferes with mine, and then I feel awful.  And I cannot talk about what I really think to most, for then they think I am crazy, wacko, all “woo, woo” talk-so I have to talk in medical or psychological terms, not spiritual or esoteric.  And at this point the way I see it-even “love and light” is not enough to cope with all this mess and hardship that we are right in the middle of-just grin and bear it, and hope for the best.

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