Wednesday 25 January 2017

Happy days

Image result for happy days
People know me would attest to the fact that I am a hoarder of memories-especially photographs-it is a visible, tangible documentation, validation of our life which is so very important . These days, not as much as all is on disc-I have many thousands to date-as it is so easy these days, and one can just bring them onto the screen in moments, however there is something very special about print photos- as it is right there always in your face, especially when they are in visible spots. Many of the lives do not exist here in the present any more, but they live on in us as they are never forgotten. The reality of immortality is; “being never forgotten”.

I have a huge wall leading downstairs to my apartment, that is filled with many scores of photographs of all the people,-family, friends, boyfriends, animals that have touched my life, are in my heart and love-and I mean ALL literally, no one is missing.  They are all there many in black and white, some colour faded-and some very recent. Weddings, engagements, births, celebrations, get togethers, graduations, travels -no funerals however. For some reason though death is a natural process of life, I always try and keep my mind away from that thought.

The only photo I do not have is a picture of my little grey shark  fish called -“Sharky” who was a family member for over 7 years until sadly one night he committed suicide by jumping out of the tank. A few years earlier, we had moved from Montreal to Toronto and he moved with us. The trip was too hard on him and when we got to Toronto he was dead-floating on top of the water in his tank. We were devastated, but I immediately massaged his heart for about 3 minutes and he regained life, and lived an other happy 3 years.

So, each time I go down one photo always finds my gaze me and makes me remember -this morning it was a school photo with two of my best friends, we were 15 at the time.  School  in those days, which was  many years ago was much different as I see it today. Probably because it was  a private school, that may have been a fact, but things were certainly different. I realize things need to change for progress to happen, and time marches on. However, school was a great place to be, it was like family. I think back with tremendous warmth and love on those days.-as well as my friend in the picture, with whom I talk regularly after so many years-we do not feel our age, plus we look great that is all that counts; age is just a number.  Nothing is ever lost once it is locked into the heart-remains there for always. I recall those days with such sweetness,  as being the most memorable and wonderful of my life. True “happy days”-, “those were the best days of our lives”, as the lyrics of the song goes.

I think I need to update this post a little with a post script-all days are happy if one is  surrounded by family, great friends and good health-and one has love in one`s life. In a short while we shall look back on these days -as "happy days", and just be grateful to be able to enjoy the time now.

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