Friday 27 January 2017

Words are cheap

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These days very few people call themselves religious, it is almost an anathema, a something shameful, something to be hidden-even I have to confess I do not wear my religions beliefs on my sleeves. I think it is looked upon as almost “ignorance “, or “shameful” these days, as science is king, what we see exists and what we do not does not. Strange, because even science these days comes up with such bizarre theories that it is hard to wrap one`s mind around it. Well maybe not for people whose mind is scientifically wired-and live by physics and mathematics, however I am sure that the time is very quickly approaching when all will change-the Newtonian idea of life is starting to weaken and  a new paradigm of life has started to germinate. Humans are at last on a spiritual quest-well some anyway. This is the time for taking those few steps-the eastern religions have done that a long while ago, that we are now following.

I totally disagree Karl Marx that : "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people" however not entirely- I would say that religion at times is simply the scapegoat for the real problem which is due to the rule of the powerful few elite families who control the world in every sense. The cause for all our problems is not religion, but power and greed of the controlling few . No wonder “1984”is on the best seller list once more. Why do you think that is? We are in bondage-and just starring to see the light-dawn has arrived.

The opium of the people is wealth-so they think. True also , is that “organized” religion is a major disruptive force-for it is divisive and  dangerous. God-when we really think about it has little to do with it, but man-and in this sense , also because of power and greed which corrupts entirely. The reality is that everything in creation needs to be in balance, all the is out of balance goes against the very nature of creation, and chaos starts emerging and life starts unravelling.

We are so entangled with modern life in every way , that we are failing to live. There is no time for anything, people are obsessed with careers, getting ahead and the material values of life. Children grow up without having a childhood-numerous activities no time for real play-so sad. Families have fallen apart, the nuclear family is the norm-seeing family once or twice a year if that. The human soul has been pushed into the background, and more  so God, or the “Creator”. The bookstores are filled with books on spirituality, on spiritual advancement-yoga is a lifestyle for many these days, but still we are less spiritual, more stressed  in my view than 100 years ago-when life was sacred, was holy.

Yes- we were killing each other in wars-still do, did not have compassion for each other, for life, for nature, animals was rather on the low end of the scale, but our behaviour on a one-to one basis was much more heartfelt, respectful, spiritual and loving. Saying “I love you” after every telephone call are simply empty words, a new figure of speech, because very few really mean those words.  Great to say one is spiritual, wonderful to be awakened, and godly to be enlightened-but all this takes practise and above all action-and demonstrating that action in living and in our lives. As the quote says: “actions speak louder than words"-words are real cheap-a penny a dozen.

I agree overall we are in a better place, but at what price? We have forgotten God-in the name of science. Churches are empty, closing –I am not saying that all the religious dogma was/is correct, for it warrants major change-but losing God in the process will be the end of us.

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