Tuesday 13 December 2016

Potent drug

Image result for love
I am in this s cool FB group-The greatest people ever, and the question was posed: What is the most powerful drug available to humanity? Over 500 replies. What would your answer be? Many answers. Strange what you can see from simply a word or two from the answers; see into the soul of people. Well—seeing that this is a group who are into “psychedelics” most of the answers were not related to chemicals at all—but the human spirit and relationships to life. Though the drug of choice is DMT—but out of the hundreds of answers, this was only a small percentage.
Most of the answers were ”LOVE”. S0—we are all searching for that potent drug everywhere, yet when we have it we don`t see it at all, only when it has escaped us: 

In memory of Leonard-
"Love Itself"
The light came through the window,
Straight from the sun above,
And so inside my little room
There plunged the rays of Love.

In streams of light I clearly saw
The dust you seldom see,
Out of which the Nameless makes
A Name for one like me.

I’ll try to say a little more:
Love went on and on
Until it reached an open door –
Then Love Itself
Love Itself was gone.

All busy in the sunlight
The flecks did float and dance,
And I was tumbled up with them
In formless circumstance.

I’ll try to say a little more:
Love went on and on
Until it reached an open door –
Then Love Itself
Love Itself was gone.

Then I came back from where I’d been.
My room, it looked the same –
But there was nothing left between
The Nameless and the Name.

All busy in the sunlight
The flecks did float and dance,
And I was tumbled up with them
In formless circumstance.

I’ll try to say a little more:
Love went on and on
Until it reached an open door –
Then Love itself,
Love Itself was gone.

An other question was: If you could delete anything from the world, 450 replies—what would it be? This was a strange one—but most answered “GREED” followed by “HUMANS”, followed by “MYSELF” LOL, but I had to disagree for my answer is “WAR”.
Bottom line- LOVE and WAR,  alpha and omega of life .

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