Saturday 12 November 2016


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I adore the night- it is a magical escape from reality especially this night.  I have just so much in my head today that I feel I am drowning-with thoughts and memories, thus I have nothing to say-for I have no idea where to start. I cannot separate my different thoughts, ideas that seem juxtaposed, yet make sense to me-life, death; joy, sadness; love, hate; happiness, devastation. Yes-today is one of those days when one wants to escape into oblivion, fade into nothingness-for the world just makes no sense, when we really think about it.

I just want to envelope myself within the darkness of the night, the stillness and the tranquility of my surroundings, my thoughts-above all peace and the sound of silence which gives me such incomprehensible feeling of safety. I feel  I don`t want this night ever to end. No Leonard Cohen, no candles, no incense, no prayers-not tonight-just simple personal communication on a one to one with God. All else are just too painful reminders of many past memories and ghosts of the past come visiting these times.

Life is simply “maya”-illusion, for every moment is already history but forever living in our minds. So never be a magician, but be the magic-so those memories become the magical moments the mosaic of your life.

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