Monday 3 October 2016

US politics 101

Image result for trump and clinton
Human thought, action baffles me at times. Look at the U.S elections-one wonders if there is a scintilla of human compassion in either candidates when it comes to the problems of the planet. They should be ashamed of themselves, pocks on both their houses. They are busy trying to get into power, wield power and have total control. We have a major global problem, not a country problem when it comes to the world. How can we, citizens of planet earth allow such genocide that is happening in numerous places on the planet, it is our responsibility to put a stop to it. This is not politics, but simple human compassion, yet nobody cares. The UN-this great global messiah sits in its glass tower and does nothing-apart from talking-disgusting and disgraceful-now this is deplorable.

 Yet-each day the US candidates are arguing about beauty queens, who slept with whom, how much tax was paid, how many billions one has and who has more experience and a litany of non-important arguments.

 On the planet, people are dying of hunger of thirst, -daily thousands of innocents die in wars,-millions of refugees try and flee and drown by the hundreds,-bombs explode in different places on the planet daily,-Syria is burning, Libya is burning, Iraq is burning, Afghanistan burning,-the Palestinians have no country,-Isis and other terrorist groups are rampant around the world,-EU is a disaster,-North Korea is threatening and testing nuclear bombs,-Russia getting stronger,-China is destroying the global economy. These are just for starters.

 In the US millions of people have no jobs,-55% of young blacks are jobless,-young professional ”basement dwellers” have no for seeable future,-student debt is enormous,- inner cities are war zones,-over 3,000 murders in Chicago alone, -people are shot in the street like dogs, -22 military people commit suicide daily,-even more veterans die not getting medical care,-more people on food stamps and welfare than ever,-children are being poisoned by water,- Obamacare has sky rocketed,-the elderly must chose between food or medication,-drugs are pouring in,- schools are terrible,-economy is going downhill,-infra structure is crumbling,-companies are moving out of the country,-middle class hardly exists,-rich are getting mega richer. Then the two argue about Miss Universe  as to how fat she was 20 years ago-disgusting and shame on them-they are laughing stocks of all of the world`s newspapers.

As to their history-one candidate has around  $10 billion-at least his excuse is that he was a businessman and used all the loopholes not to pay taxes; wheeled and dealed to his own benefit. A few marriages in the past-affairs, bankruptcies and no political experience. Neither does he believe in global warming. But at least he says it as it is-that the US is going to hell in a hand-basket for numerous reasons and bad judgement by Washington insiders and the political elite. But really-who the hell cares about his past, he was a private citizen.

The other has made over $57 million is speeches from Wall Street since the late 90`s and many more millions stealing from the Clinton Foundation, as apparently only 6% is used for charity work.  And took hundreds of millions in campaign contribution from 10 huge mega Wall Street firms—a few billion actually. But this is only but a small fraction of her misdeeds. And BTW she has been in Washington over 30 years why hasn`t she done something  apart from supporting wars and overthrowing governments?  Sending other peoples children to die for nothing.

But now apparently she will be the saviour of the USA, of the poor, of the  so called oppressed women, of the down trodden.  Oh- I just remembered  she did much-lie, cheat, steal and delete thousands of incriminating e-mails regarding her dirty work. Brainwashed millions of black American voters and Lationos. Power hungry, two faced thieving pond scum she is. Oh and let us not forget the body counts in her wake-count is close to 80 to date. The corruption is horrendous .

But, non-the-less apparently one will change the country, the world. True, the choice is between dying by a bullet, or taking cyanide. The US is between a rock and a hard place.

Change? Oh yeah-dream on-bring on Gary Johnson and ya`all smoke that weed, for I am sure he will do a much better job than any of them two-even though he dosn`t know where Aleppo is-the bigger sin is to know where it is and do nothing about it!! least he will have that excuse for not doing anything about Syria. Only in America, yep-only in the good US of A.

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