Sunday 2 October 2016

Coincidence or synchronicity

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This happened to me today. I haven`t spoken to my cousin on Skype in  weeks-and I walked up the stairs to call him, but just , as I was calling him, he was calling me.  This is synchronicity, as there are no coincidences. Every single synchronicity brings a message to us. 

The truth is, everything in our life is linked. From the past, to the present and future — every single coincidence or accident we stumble upon is linked. No matter how small or big of a movement is, it is all about synchronicity. Every action we make creates a ripple in the universe. We unconsciously telegraph our thoughts to others as synchronicity is the law of unity. We are all linked. There is no separation between me and anyone or anything; all is connected. There are no coincidences, no accidents. Every coincidence has a message for us.

Whether we  feel like we are having a perfect day and everything goes smoothly, or experience a bad period in which many coincidences are happening, the universe is sending us a message. People and things happening in an exact moment is nothing but synchronicity-and we should accept in with grace and humility and the universe will deliver more if we respond this way.

This statement is from Lao Tzu, “When the student is ready, the master appears?”-is very appropriate and real. All is a teaching experience if we look at it on a grander scale.

This is exactly how synchronicity is explained. Whenever we are synchronized with something we truly want, we are more likely to meet that thing, which is why similar people meet “accidentally”. The thing is, they are tuned in to the exact same frequency, and synchronicity does its best to match them.

Is it possible to create synchronicity? Maybe. Well, synchronicity works best for people who believe it to be true. So, for starters, one should believe in it and stop saying that every event is an accident or a coincidence. The thing is, if we are saying this, we are sending a weak spiritual signal to the universe, as opposed to the strong signal that the universe sends us by synchronizing everything around  us.

By understanding synchronicity and seeing things not as an ordinary, but a committed person, we are able to connect more deeply with our inner self, and actually make things we want happen, through intention. Believe and let things happen,-never force any issue-allow all to flow unimpeded.

So, in my mind…synchronicity is just like a mirror and whatever we commit to and believe in, will reflect back to us. That being said, if we agree with the law of synchronicity we will be able to connect deeply and send strong messages on a spiritual level. Aside from this, one will be a more confident and committed person towards every action we bring.

Synchronicity establishes harmony in everything that one seeks — and being consciously aware to everything happening around us. It`s like Murphy’s Law. Yes, it’s a common fact that when something goes wrong, it may just continue going wrong over time. Synchronicity can also work against us this way. However, if we expect bad things to happen and continue believing in Murphy’s Law, we are synchronizing  with our inner negativity-so positive intention in vital.

Thinking that something is a coincidence, luck or chance? No such thing.  Moreover, synchronicity is the reason for something to happen. There is always a reason for something to happen. Coincidence is only an illusion. Our past, present and future are all linked and although we may not understand everything that happens to us, there is always a reason — and that reason becomes apparent at some point in time.

You can start to notice synchronicity with people, numbers and events. Remember to accept synchronicity in its real form, as a way of spiritual and universal intelligence constantly trying to teach us, reach us and share love, support and guidance-and send us messages.

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