Wednesday 5 October 2016


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It’s not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: what are we busy about?” ~Henry David Thoreau

 Never in my life have I walked out of the house without makeup. The other day I asked myself . ”Why is that?”-Honestly, I look great without makeup so why am I wasting so much time in front of the mirror? I like myself-and would not be anyone else and I am loved the way I am. The guy loves me with make up or without-as he said the other day;" and besides I fell in love with your soul” Some time before, when we hadn`t personally met yet-he`d say:"I could love you with my eyes closed, I know". Then later when we did meet, he said :"I was very sure and have been proven right". Guess that what love is, or should be. Now –I don`t mean one needs to be “Au natural” all the time, but life needs to be comfortable and easy flowing and real.

 So the question becomes, where does one`s priority lie? More often than not, the world dictates our priorities. Thank goodness, they change big time as one`s life rolls along. The only true ones that remain always to be the same is concerning family and people we love-that is always as solid as a rock.  Others change like the seasons. At times I amaze myself. Now-is that a good thing or not? I used to think that it was a terrible things to change outlooks, priorities about specific things, as I always held the idea –priorities, are etched in stone, like faith you cannot change it, for if you do then everything you held dear once is a sort of lie, a betrayal. Well, let me enlighten anyone out there who strictly adheres to the idea that priorities should stay the same, they don`t. They change like all things in life pertaining to the passage of time.

Though naturally not all of my priorities have changed, but some most certainly-radically. But then maybe they weren`t really true priorities, only marching to the drum of society. Most priorities are that- how we relate to, being politically correct, how we need to look , act, and run life. To be honest, I confess let`s face it, who really cares anyway. No one. We put such tremendous pressure on ourselves, especially when we are younger-all for nothing, to show a mask to the world and cause ourselves stress, aggravation and at times bitterness –for we can`t keep up with what the world seems to be telling us. It goes against many internal principles that we hold dear and it becomes an internal battle.

So what is the answer? I think one has to at times do a course correction and set things straight and actually do things that one loves, not things that we are told we have to do. A good idea would be every birthday or new year or any day is a good day to create a new plan. Have I done it? Not lately-but I shall –though it isn`t my birthday, but as is said: ”today is the first day for the rest of my life”. As they say it is never too late while you are breathing, neither are you ever too old-and the time passes anyway so may as well make the list of plans.

I have learnt that only small scale goals work-if they are larger one gets overwhelmed-one day at a time works for me always; however the key is doing it. And not stopping for even a day, making the new priority a habit, well at least till the next round-hopefully as we get older the priorities we chose will be of more value and longer lasting if we focus on what our heart tells us, not the world. What is important for the soul and spirit, not really for the ego. I do have to add that ego is important, but to a much lesser degree.

Plan the work and work the plan-is key for me. Time to throw out old ideas, old beliefs and old values-in with the new. Has always worked for me in the past-time for a refresher course-time for revision.  Is there a secret? Yes.  “Just do it”. Now where is that vision board anyway?....priority #1: be the best you can ever be.

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