I have come to the
conclusion than every single person is an enigma-including myself. Sometimes I feel I am a stranger to my own self
and it is like looking at myself from the outside. Has this ever happened to you?
I often wonder what this is-. It is not déjà vu-it is something very different.
It isn`t a great feeling for one feel very detached from one`s physical aspects,
a bit frightening-this does not last very long , because something comes along
and one is distracted, but if not I am sure it would go on longer and longer
each time. And then what would happen? Would the actual “me “-the animator, get
lost somewhere and then who is the physical me?
This is not like
“multiple personality” as there one is not much aware of the other in that
case, here I am aware but very conscious of being outside and noticing things I
never have-including parts of myself –like an observer.
Maybe those
particular times we vibrate on a different frequency level not on the same
“temporal time moment”, and we just slip out of one partially, momentarily and
thus we are able to observe an other so called “fractal “ of ourselves. Maybe
it is a sort of quantum entanglement observation. Many people do practice this
consciously. Through practice one is be able to access the future and the past
I think, as we are all one in numerous dimensions, except we are stuck in one
time dimension-what we call the present.
Perhaps at such times
one observes the ego which is not who we really are. The ego is our self-image;
it is our social mask; it is the role we are playing. Our social mask thrives
in the world, it is needed for survival- It wants control and often our real
self is lost. When you observe from the outside, that is when we are more in
touch with our higher self-that is also during prayer or meditation.
Though often this
feeling of detachment is strange and often quite frightening- however it does
give us a chance to grow and expand. If we are creating ourselves all the time,
then it is never too late to begin creating ourselves a to what we want instead
of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with. Maybe this is the reason, a
reminder of sorts, when those times happen when we become the observer-for us
to learn and see reality.
Each of us is here to
discover our true selves; that essentially we are spiritual beings who have
taken manifestation in physical form, that we are not human beings that have
occasional spiritual experiences, that we are spiritual beings that have occasional
human experiences. Maybe those times when we are outside of ourselves are times
given to us to realize, see, observe and make changes and get lost in true reality-
as when we are busy with our regular mundane live this does not happen . A
light is shone on things unseen, un-thought of and hidden that for a moment are
seen-and one is given the chance to make a course correction.
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