Sunday 9 October 2016


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I was reading some writings of Manley P Hall-and I got to thinking-not one human being on the planet actually, concretely knows anything. No matter who they are or what credentials they hold. I am slowly coming to the conclusion that ignorance is bliss-for those people  who don`t think, don`t agonize over how things work or who they are, they just live their live in a simple way from day to day-and like the great thinkers, they all die exactly the same way anyway and leave the planet naked-and “dust to dust” is all our epitaph.  Let`s be honest, they all are void of knowledge of the afterlife.

No one is more worthy, more important or more meaningful than the least of any human on the planet – we are all little non descriptive entities making no difference in the scheme of the universe-whatever clout we do have , is the same for every individual soul. We seek and desperately want to find some meaning for our existence-some do in faith, but once again that is simply a hook to hang onto, no exact or direct demonstrable fact. As humans we need something to give validity for our little meaningless lives.

Now, as well as we know, throughout the centuries man keeps seeking understanding of himself and his surroundings. There have been numerous philosophers-early ones probably some living in caves eons ago who tried to understand life in general. Then came the great ancient thinkers on whose insight we still depend on and to this day their ideas are still held in awe and great esteem. But, let us remember, they are simply ideas, hypotheses or theories. 

Then much was built on those ideas and beliefs by the more modern philosophers of the last 3 centuries-who to this day is still taught in universities. And then we have 19th, 20th and 21st century thinkers, and today the modern new age thinkers, who are no closer to the truth than the ancient philosophers were-there is a lot of talk, but no demonstrable facts. Oh we are told many things, some even believe it-all kinds of courses, seminars weekend events to tell you the secret and for you to experience the truth, yet the truth is; that nobody really knows. All is hype, nonsense and lies to make money. Yes-the only truth is power and money.

I am no student of philosophy, what I know is the very basic tenet of some of their ideas. I have friends who are deep thinkers and can explain many things relating to existence in a very comprehensive, understandable manner-which I understand , however even then it makes no sense, I very much doubt it makes sense for them either. All is really just a guessing game. The truth is, if we were meant to know, we would know by now-and we don`t. Now, does that mean that there is no universal truth-no, not at all. But if and when we shall be given the truth it will not be to a select few, but to all of us. Why would God make exceptions? Ne never will, nor has He.

The problem is definite proof of the ideas, working and concepts of life-we are all in the dark. Not one philosopher died in peace and with exact knowledge as to how and why creation exists. Oh, they try –with all kinds of methods through mathematical formulas, alchemy, trying to access alternate realities, time travel and even trying to create life. All unsuccessfully.

They will argue that we have achieved so much-“ we went to the moon, to Mars-we have created nuclear fusion-we have created the `god particle`- we can replace/grow body parts-we are able to do genetic engineering/splice genes- we have sequenced the human genome-we have conquered space to a some degree, have a theory of creation of the universe- and have made major discoveries relating to computers- etc”, -yet we cannot cure the common cold or create one living cell.

No one has ever raised the dead, had an actual undisputed, demonstrable encounter with a spirit, has actually had a conversation with God, conducted actual transmutations or traveled at the speed of light to an inhabited planet. So many have tried-all have failed throughout the ages. Sure-we have made some major advances, discoveries in science-but even some of those at times fall by the wayside. However on a spiritual level-we know nothing at all-not even the great spiritual teachers, perhaps, maybe, just maybe-Jesus, even there maybe some deep doubt-and this is coming from me-and I am a believer!  

The bottom line is that  -everything is personal to what one believes. No use seeking outside, no use wanting answers from an other human for they know as much as you or even less- maybe they have written hundred of books, but really do not know anything, if they say they do then they are lying.

It is what one feel inside oneself, recognizes deeply that all is connected-and all is one that is closest to the answer. This needs no education for it is an innate understanding of spirit-God is within not without, and no one has the special gift of understanding. Seeking is futile for you will find nothing; no books, no guru, no ascended master will reveal the secret to you, either you feel it or you don`t-can`t learn it neither  for it is non existent now at the present. The veil will never be lifted on this no matter how we try, for it was never the plan in this life-maybe, if there is an other we just may have a glimpse of the truth.

As Jesus said: “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven”- that is the secret.

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