Monday 10 October 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

Image result for canadian flag
Thanksgiving should be a very special time-and often the actual meaning as for Christmas falls rather by the wayside. It is often more concerned with having a good time, coming together and celebrating, eating turkey,- however  sometimes the a celebration of “thankfulness, gratefulness and humility” is missed and overlooked. It  even happened to us, for the very first time-we forgot to say grace after so many years. I blame myself as it usually fall on me to say a few words of thanks –but I did not. Why? I have no idea-it just occurred to me this morning. But this is my way of giving thanks and acknowledging our wondrous life in this most special country.

 We have so much to be grateful for it is impossible to list; especially here is Canada- it is acknowledged to be one of the greatest countries in the world, not because I am a Canadian. It is one of the most tolerant country in every way on the planet-we don`t use in our vernacular the words- whites, blacks, browns, pinks, yellows or any colour-we consider  ourselves colour blind.We just refer to ourselves as just being Canadians. We are often the 1st most helpful when help is needed by other nations,  we  are known as peacekeepers  of the world, we do not wage war-we are  not warmongers.

 Over 97 %  of the population is happy and content , our schools have a very high standards, there is no racism-it is not tolerated in any way or form.We have  very few murders, we can practice any religion we please without being ostracised -and wear any attire or symbol. we want. We cannot trash any rac,e creed or race or we get charged .We are one of the most, if not the most compassionate country in the world.

 According to Forbes Canada is #2  as being the best country in the world this year, often #1, and we are   #1  for being most tolerant, and #2 as being the most reputable country in the world according to Forbes, #1 last year, most often we alternate with Sweden. We are the #1 most accepting country in the world as to races.

 We have great pre-schools, schools, the best universities-anyone can study if they want-get  loans if need be. Free heath care for all-the best in the world and most modern hospitals. Medication free over age 65 or people who can`t afford it. Welfare is a reasonable amount, pension is a livable amount-whether you worked in Canada or not as long as you have been here over 10 years even as a as an immigrant you are eligable. Canada has one of the highest standard of living in the world.  

Medical marijuana available for the sick-there is minimal crime, few murders. You can be any one  you decide or feel you are-any gender, marry anyone legally. We don`t have the death penalty-we do not extradite anyone to a country no matter what crime they have committed where there is a death penalty. We are one of the most humane nations in the world and we have a huge heart. Hate crimes are punished very severely-even the smallest, neither can you be a Nazi, a Fascist , a White Supremacist  or any other member of any such  similar hate groups. Few people have guns and police are held in high regard. 

Neither can one kill any animal on purpose, run over a squirrel  or kill a raccoon if it messes up your garbage-there is a very serious fine if one gets caught. You have to catch them in a cage and return them to the forest with their babies if they have any. Hunting and fishing is strictly limited to a specific number, usually one animal-like one moose or one salmon per season from the lake. Other fish have larger limits. We have salmon in our river-fishing of them ere is strictly prohibited-to fish one is if caught is $5,000-true! Only one is allowed per year with a permit  and that is only from Lake Ontario.

 Minimum wage is livable, though it never is enough-we have great food banks for people who need assistance, we are compassionate to refugees and welcome them –through serious vetting. We do have some drug problem but very minimal compared to other countries-and we respect all and every one- we are all immigrants, but we all refer to ourselves as Canadians-though we celebrate our roots through festivals, heritage weeks of different countries and we are the most multicultural country on the planet. We are always in a state of celebration. All citizens are encouraged to keep their roots, language, history as diversity is a wonderful thing  and a blessing for a country.

 We celebrate our diversity in every possible way, and teach  knowledge of different religions  to our children in pre-school already and to be tolerant to each other- we are human and each human is an individual-and yes; we are a rainbow nation, embracing all, and respecting every aspect of expression of humanity.  

We give thanks to be in this awesome, wonderful, beautiful country in every way-and no amount of prayers and thanks can even come close to the love and blessings that we owe our Creator, our God to have allowed us to experience this wondrous country, its people and the beauty of our country-from sea to sea-from the Atlantic to the Pacific Our awesome  forests, thousands of pristine lakes, spectacular mountains-and Niagara Falls is one of the  special wonders of the world.  Our modern  beautiful, clean, cities-most with green belts and urban national parks, like Toronto. Small quaint villages each have their special attractions and preserved, protected heritage 

I am so very proud and humbled to be living here and be part of the 33,000,000 of its inhabitants. We have been so blessed to be allowed to live in such a wonderful country as Canada-most year we have over 300 sunny days, so we are a sunny, happy and a contented , thankful "Maple Leaf" nation. So very blessed to be living here. Oh-and the seasons are just wonderful-especially the fall is spectacular with its myriads of colours, winter is simply a magical wonderland, spring is just gorgeous green and lush and summer is -never too hot, just right for all kinds of  fun, sports  and relaxation. 

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