Tuesday 11 October 2016


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 Success, positivity and and action-some personal advice on a few things that has come to my mind today. Did you know that one of the most important keys to success is positive thinking? Sure we all have heard this-but something about it is different-that is that you actually have to do it. So much has been said about this the past 30 years, and people who actually follow the instructions get the desired results. - This is a form of innate energy that we all have and through this power  all and everything , with intention can be achieved  and actually create what we desire. No, it is not magic, just the laws of the universe -"biocentricity" in action. Try it and prove it to your self with little things. However the key is to entirely erase all doubts-even a smidgen for that blocks everything. With this key, it is easier to achieve success, improve relationships, have better health, and enjoy happiness, satisfaction and inner peace.  Yes- and do almost magic in all areas.

This key, also helps in the daily affairs of life, making everything flow more smoothly, and with less friction-as the Chinese say , "unimpeded". A positive attitude makes life look brighter and promising. Now, this also works relating to health-for the universe it is irrelevant what ever it needs to do, be it positive or negative, all the same for it! -as whatever  the intention is and is  genuine it will deliver the results. Positive thinking is most definitely contagious. People around you will pick up your mental moods, feelings and are affected accordingly.

 Thinking about happiness, good health and success, and you will cause people to feel better, be more upbeat around you because they enjoy the vibrations that positive energy which radiates and that which the  mind emits. We are the creators of everything, well mostly-as some does depend on genes, environment and lifestyle when it comes to health-but even those can be manipulated. In order to make positive thinking which yield results, you need to develop a positive attitude toward life, positive intent, expect a successful outcome of whatever you do,-including improvement of health, but also positive actions to ensure your other successes in life that you feel important. This does take work, effort and repetition-one needs to make these things an ingrained habit where time is needed. Effective positive thinking that brings results is much more than just repeating a few positive words, or telling yourself that everything is going to be all right-that is wishful thinking. It has to be your predominant mental attitude. It is not enough to think positively for a few moments, and then letting fears and lack of belief enter your mind. Some effort and inner work are necessary.

Use only positive words while thinking and while talking-try and erase negative words as far as possible from your vernacular. Ignore , disregard negative thoughts, for they generate more negativity. Use words such as: 'I can', 'I am able', 'it is possible', 'it can be done'. Allow only feelings of happiness, strength, joy and success into your awareness. Replace negative thoughts as soon as they arise with a positive thought-look at it from a different angle and put appositive spin on it. Write down a few positive affirmations and  recite them during the day when you have time-or even make  a vision board if you feel comfortable with it. I have it across from my bed, so I see it as soon as I open my eyes-and it gives me a great vibe for the whole day. -Refuse consciously all negativity-and soon you will establish positive thoughts as a habit. 

When it comes to conversations-they should be concentrated on strength, positive mental images, happy and joyful thought-even when in the beginning it has to be a forced with conscious effort. Keep success always in front of your eyes, no matter how small, for they will grow. Never forget to always actually visualize clearly, every single smallest detail of  the results-act as if already has happened, and be thankful and grateful for it before it even has materialized. Never forget the intention and the faith-that is the energy of the action-you will be amazed at the results.
 Read a few  lines or pages of positive writings or quotes that inspire you daily, surround yourself with positivity and upbeat people, don`t allow people to pull you down, don`t watch negative stuff. Be confident, be assertive, be proud of your achievements, be helpful to others, be kind-, be gracious it all comes back many fold, send out positive energy-love and light. Always  start each day with thanksgiving, and gratefulness whatever you feel that maybe.
Within two weeks you will have changed yourself to a different person-loving life, loving your self and loving  your new mental attitude and be completely more self confidence than you ever were.  Your circumstances will change, your outlook will change like magic-internal as well as your external life. According to science –it takes 14 to 21 days to make something a habit; it is not a long time so  just do it-and everything with joy! 

It works every time-it is the law of the  universe, of Source, of God.

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