Wednesday 12 October 2016

Of beauty

Image result for musical notes written with quills
A beautiful thing never gives so much pain as does failing to hear and see it. ”
- Michelangelo…..this goes for art and music I think.

I suppose there has to be something to re-incarnation as there are so many things that we have within ourselves personality wise, that is inexplicable. I don`t mean specific talents, that I can understand to some degree  through genes; if one or either parents are talented, or even farther behind one may inherit it.But music and any form of beautiful are feeds the soul, refines the soul. The great composers, artist of all kinds had the mission of guiding humanity to the higher aspects of spirit-they were the gifted angel sent to earth to show us the beauty of God.].  Appreciating beauty is a form of thanksgiving , gratefulness for the grace that we have been bestowed on by our creator, and not recognizing it leaves us much poorer is spirit.

I mean more demonstrating  a certain affinity for things, likes and loves for  the exquisite beauty that we are allowed to experience and become better humans for it. Ever since I can remember I always have adored classical music-yet no one in my family really likes it that much-. They will listen to it , but  that is about all .When I was 13-I went to the school library and read up on the stories as many operas as I could-none of the other kids did, they weren`t interested in it in the least. It wasn`t even because I played a musical instrument that have guided me to the classics, as I played the piano accordion, and that isn`t really an instrument for the classics-later I did play the piano, but my love for it was far before that . Around age  6, I was taken to the theater by my parents-and then I was hooked for some reason. Strange for a 6 year old-it did something to me and I had to cry. 

How does one explain this? I did write a blog sometime ago about Schubert.-that was strange also;It is not with every composer that I feel this for, some do nothing for me. Lately I don`t even listen to much, as it makes me rather sad and it reminds me of  something which I don`t really  or what it actually is. It makes me cry even more-so I don`t know what it is-so I listen less and less. It is a form of longing for something, a time, a place or perhaps a person. Maybe certain times, events are ingrained in our psyche-we know so little of our spirit life. Art works in similar ways on the senses of the heart. Michalengelo said: “Every beauty which is seen here by persons of perception resembles more than anything else that celestial source from which we all are come.”
 Modern music-even the old ones do not do this to me-so I sort of figure it has to do with the time and the place-and the people. It is mostly Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven, Offenbach and  Liszt I love; they transport me to magical places. Funny they all lived during the same time, that I find odd. Though I love all of Verdi but Aida is my special; Bizet`s Carmen; and Puccini`s Madame Butterfly as operas, as well as all 4 Strausses compositions-all of them. All the latter composers that I mentioned were at different times in history, though close though they were at some times later , one or two earlier like Bach-that I don`t have an answer for as to why.

Apart from music, I have always loved ballet-that probably stems from the first time I was taken to see the “Nutckracker” at age 4 one Christmas-and I can remember it like it was yesterday-it burned itself into my heart. And when I started ballet school at age 4 , all I wanted to dance was to the opening section of the nutcracker-when the guests when arriving, I did many times  and the other was the dance of the snowflakes. OH-those wondrous memories of childhood.

 “A beautiful thing never gives so much pain as does failing to hear and see it"- Michelangelo. This goes for art and music I think. I suppose there has to be something to re-incarnation as there are so many things that we have within ourselves personality wise, that is inexplicable. I don`t mean specific talents, that I can understand to some degree  through genes; if one or either parents are talented, or even farther behind one may inherit it. 
 My very first boyfriend to this day keeps saying; ”you made me love opera and classical music. I still love it still’-and sure he wasn`t the type. In my next life when I shall marry it will be Pachabels`s Canon, in G;-for sure . Nothing else will do.

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