Sunday 18 September 2016

Religion-an observation

Image result for driftwood and sunrise
 In my life I have many friends who have deep faith, however most would fall into the category of  “midline believers”. This is not a put down for I too would consider myself to fall within this group.

Then there are those, some who have tremendous faith, who would march into battle for God, offer up their lives willingly and die for Him, who have chosen to live for God either at a conscious level or unconscious level-but for some reason lose their faith. Then there are a couple who have joined monasteries; who after a while get to a point of total disenchantment with God—they say ”God is dead” Nietzsche`s statement on their banner-for God has not revealed Himself.  They arrive at this point after much praying, contemplation and conversation with their over-soul, and arrive at the realization that the world and the dismal situation of man is a conscious creation of God.

They are bothered deeply as to how things are in the world in every way, the unfairness, the wars, the pain, the suffering, the sorrow, sickness, the “have nots”, the division that is caused in the name of God, the religious strife – thus  due to all the latter, they become mortal enemies of God. They put on their armour and march into battle against Him in the name of humanity, with flaming sword in hand, like St. Michael. Their indignation against God as to how He can allow all this to happen, causes them to deny Him. The anger and frustration gets also directed at the “midline believers” for not rebelling, and allowing the so called "slavery", in the name of religion to continue. They feel the only way is a declaration of war.

They often seek out, search for answers elsewhere, finding at times solace and peace in other forms of different spiritual practices. In my life I know of four such individuals, they were all Christians, having almost “saint like” faith,  brilliant intellect and deep insight into  Christianity and other religions. All of them have left traditional religion with some disgust. It has been a quest for them to battle with God and find some way to defeat Him. This is a hard battle indeed for spirit, thus they are torn, in conflict with their own soul--for they do burn with the fire of faith-and a  deep love for God which they overwhelmingly  will deny.

I personally see how hard it is to be in a forever in battle, demanding God to be different, to be filled with anger, fury, rage, frustration, depression, sadness, passion about the human condition. They feel convinced that most of us are being led to the slaughter like sacrificial lambs because of a God who is indifferent, who is selfish, incompassionate, merciless, and ever wanting more sacrifice and keeping us in total servitude.

This is the reason most of the people in my life have left organized religion. They proclaim that my God is a lesser God, or no God at all--so they have become gnostics, pagans and atheists.

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