Sunday 11 September 2016

Anam Cara

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Original entry 19 April/2014-blog/ "Cassiopeia-echoes of Eden"
-and you are still here today 11 September 2016, very present in my life-Thank you, "anam cara"

Our lives are like stars –at times shine brightly and at times fade out, or simply burst into a supernova.  We find love, we live love and lose love—through which in turn we become more filled with the light of love, that which is God Himself. Thus, this is our mission—simply: to love. Not just each other  as lovers, but all and everything within the created universe, for all is one, all is connected and all is sacred but above all—everything is divine. We are the physical manifestation of that divine spark which is the very light of our Creator.

We walk along a track that was destined by God, but the way we travel is though the gift of His graciousness, His love—through grace. His gift to us, which is free will. None of us knows the outcome, only that we have to travel the road, act to the best of our ability—be the love, be the compassion and be the mercy that we ourselves need, for whatever we send out is what we, in return get mirrored back.

We—as human beings are here to love—and to be loved. We all have loved and lost, but never in vain.  It is always better to have lost, then never to have loved, no matter how painful the circumstances may have been for us. Love is the sculptor of our soul, of our spirit in every way and form. Through love we rise or fall—depending on our relationships and reaction to its consequences. For all to progress one needs to submit, offer up and yield to the ”light” that which is personification of love itself—for no matter now it may seem, it is always for the benefit of spirit.

I am here not just to write about romantic love—but love as a way to the “heart of light”—which is the only way. Be this romantic love, intimate desire “eros” —which is the love for an other human being, or “agape”, the unconditional love for all in a spiritual sense— are all simply ways which make it a bit easier to reach our destination.  We are destined never to walk alone, but with an other or others to whom we are tied from all eternity, thus making our mission a little bit easier to bare through mutual experiences.  Thus—connections are always for a reason—be that a moment, a minute, an hour a day, months or years—or even lifetimes. We have to value their individual importance in our lives. They are all treasures, gifts from God to us as to make us see the way, see the reasons of our very existence of being.

This is not the first, probably will neither be the last of a "new space" of posting my thoughts—but they all have their special reason and needs to see the light of day. They are all extraordinary experiences within my life—this is the latest one. God was merciful to me and in humble gratefulness I am posting these entries—Deo Gartias for all I have been given, all the wonderful, beautiful souls that have touched me and have made me a better human being-this is about one of them.

Cassiopeiae is a special place for you,  G—and the record of our walk together—no matter how long or short—it is a blessing. It is a dedication in most humble gratefulness to God, for allowing me to spend some moments in your life-and I in yours. Long or short--it will be up to destiny and the will of God as to the length . I am truly grateful in meeting you-for I know you are a special shining light in the world. Yes--a good heart is hard to find--you truly are, this I mean most sincerely-  "anam cara"

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