Sunday 11 September 2016

All about you

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From blog "Clocks"- 17 August 2013/
I see somehow you have heard my message-that is great. Spirit does speak to spirit after all! Congratulations in your new endeavour -I am certainly very happy for you. 11/ October 2016.

Yes-it is generally all about you. Not about God or for that matter about me. Isn`t it? Always about you. It sounds so strange to me for me to say it out loud, I never imagined I could. Often this aspect shines through with vengeance. I have no idea what you expect of me--I am behind you all the way, I am the wind beneath your wings. I am the one who loves you in all and every light, but you think at times that I am the enemy. At least this Merton fiasco was good for one thing--that you have realised that  have to do something. It has propelled you into a position where now you are forced to step forth. The price may have been me, sadly. 

But I do believe in you, but you have had no staying power, maybe this incident is the inertia to keep you going. Maybe fuelled by anger in a way and some jealousy as you know the depth of your gifts which are unrewarded. You make commitments, promises and never follow through, this you do to yourself as well as to me. Perhaps it is "now or never" time to do what the purpose of your life is--to express that internal voice that comes from God. Sadly--I am like that too in many ways. One thing I would say to you--make it simple, or people will not understand you, neither will they listen. However you have to be honest with yourself--is this a vocation or it simply a stage to perform your talents? The latter is most difficult as you are seeking that"adulation" that you mentioned--the world is very ungrateful.
“Do not depend on the hope of results. You may have to face the fact that your work will be apparently worthless and even achieve no result at all, if not perhaps results opposite to what you expect. As you get used to this idea, you start more and more to concentrate not on the results, but on the value, the rightness, the truth of the work itself. You gradually struggle less and less for an idea and more and more for specific people. In the end, it is the reality of personal relationship that saves everything.”-Merton

You see you have to invoke  the gift of  the common touch. It is not in how a complex term you say it--but the more simple the better. See darling--that is the problem--you are far too complex. Even I have to read you --over  and over many times before I understand--even then I cannot. Simplicity--that is the secret and the gift. To be able to say it in simple terms. It in simplicity that lies within greatness.

“If you write for God you will reach many men and bring them joy. If you write for men--you may make some money and you may give someone a little joy and you may make a noise in the world, for a little while. If you write for yourself, you can read what you yourself have written and after ten minutes you will be so disgusted that you will wish that you were dead.”-Merton

That entry--on RF--the first one, the other day, I would bet no one understood it even if they wanted to--even I had to read it over 4 times before it made a little sense, still dosn`t. So how do you expect people to read you? To respond? The grammar isn`t of importance, neither is the spelling nor the English--but what comes through for the heart, from the heart. Do you see? Most people are not philosophers neither are they Nobel laureates. What you say--must be said for the sake of saying, for the sake of your spirit--but mostly for God.  Anger will not propel you to great heights, only deeper into frustration. 

Yes-- you are gifted unfathomably. Yes, you are talented beyond measure --however it has to be brought forth otherwise it is lost--and it has been lying asleep in the darkness.  Edison knew this well when he said-it is 99% perspiration and 1%inspiration. You have to make people understand--it has to be understood. It never is easy. Were your ideas in a university text book, it would  be most difficult for the students to comprehend. It would need a lot of explanation, dissection-- for things can be mis-read and often misunderstood. All just has to be in the language of the people. Do you understand me? Unless you do that --you can have the insight of the gods, the message of Christ and  the secret of God--no one will listen, for they simply do not comprehend, nor do they understand.

I so very much love you--and I see you struggle, but you have to see and listen. If you do not--not a word from you will be understood. You hate me saying this but I have to repeat it--"make it simple", because this is the key to all.

No matter what kind of message you put out anywhere--call it  "Guru XXX" it is irrelevant--it is only relevant if you make it interesting but above all comprehensible. You don`t need long words so as all will need to read it with an open dictionary--or complicated sentences that only a Phd in literature can understand.--make it easy and accessible to all! This does make you less of a great writer. You talents lie in the ideas not in the "wordsmith" category. This is the reason why you are not successful, why you are not known--people do not resonate to you, they only forget you. The key is K.I.S.S. for sure!

So --if yo want to be successful, be read, be taken seriously as a spiritual writer:
1. keep it simple, 2. keep it real, 3. keep it  understandable, 4. keep it humorous......5. keep it to what God is saying--not you! Remember you are writing for the ordinary people, not the the philosophy department  or the league of English professors.  

I think no matter how much you may hate or envy  Merton--he had all of these traits down pat--I am sure there is much in his perspectives that applies to you. You are rather similar in more ways than could be ever imagined, it is becoming more and more clear to me, frighteningly so. I read him , I see you--understand you even more than I did before. Gethsemane would have thrown him out eventually due to his huge inflated ego, as St Michael did you. But perhaps --all men of genius are thus. They demand that adulation, admiration and praise. Strive  and driven to be an apotheosis of their own genius --it is a birthright. 

However, most lack much in other areas, especially when it comes to love and relationships--and thus they destroy what they would need most in the light of their own ambition. The world is in dire need of heroes, not for their own sake, but for sake of love and God. Be that, either with me or without me--just be it.

Coolidge was right-
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.

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