Tuesday 20 September 2016

Magnificent 8

Image result for eight roses

My life in a nutshell: " The Magnificent 8"- a rose for each of you.

The scholar- at 14 he was my first love, my first kiss and the first one for whom my heart beat wildly. First time I received a bouquet ever of yellow roses-that was  for my 16th birthday-and young as we were we loved  with a full heart.-Thinking of you with love even now that you are gone to the home of angels- you are in my prayers daily. 

The naval officer, - I was 15 he was 17, we loved each other deeply and completely with every beat of our hearts.  He loved  me  with the passion of a medieval knight-I don`t want to say for how long- but for numerous decades , and totally-through all my other loves. He was thoughtful and romantic-a letter arrived daily when he was in the navy for years. He taught me loyalty, passion, respect and caring- also to love the Beatles and the Rolling s Stones-“Tell me” became my song forever and  and  the Byrds “Turn , Turn” next-.  And I am reminded  that love keeps growing to this day over many decades, though we are not together we meet up every decade or so.  Love you so very much; "dearest darling"  –my Admiral Sir Garth -thank you for loving me. 

The engineer-he taught me how important is to keep one`s family heritage, and that origin- for we are also defined by the country. Our roots run deep-and one has to love the old country. All is history. Thank you for the great 2 years and the  17 Pink Proteas  for my 17th birthday. Sweet thoughts of you often. 

The businessman,-I was married at 20 he was my husband for 9 years-with whom I had a  physical as well as a heart connection- and a beautiful daughter to show. He taught me that one can grow in a different direction in a relationship, and we can leave and still be great friends. Not to ever fight and to be able to forgive, for we all make mistakes. Rest in God, I do love you.

 The Magyar- he was the one that brought gentleness into our relationship, and taught me how powerful kind words are-and terms of endearment- It was an awesome 2 years-of Beach Boys and  Brothers Gibb-and Saturday Night Fever…Ah”The first time I ever I saw your face” will be your song forever.. Blessings and walk in joy sweet soul. 

The bohemian—I was  your   “Lady in Red”  for 6 years, even now-you taught me the ways of the world-“sex, few drugs, and  rock and roll”-Procol Harem`s “Whiter Shade of Pale” being our song. Deep Purple and Dire Straights, were  the  bands “du jour”-we all need to experience the world-I was a late bloomer; you have showed me the freedom of spirit and of love. Cast convention to the wind at times, and walk a bit on the wild side. Those years were great and fun. For him love is the most important thing.-Yes some heavy metal is not that bad with a glass of wine, candles and incense . Love and hugs to you Honey Bear –Be good, see you soon.

The doctor-well apart from having a brilliant mind that has expanded into other galaxies, our 10 years  has  formed mostly all my belief systems, to date-he taught me all about the physical parts of a relationship, and how important that is in the whole scheme of things ,and to believe in myself. Cayce, Pyramids, Nostradamus, Egyptian Book of the Dead, and reincarnation-came into my life. I got to love Sinatra`s “My Way” and “Cycles” as well as Ed Ames-“Who will answer” and all the classical composers. To be always just romantic in all actions. To see beyond the physical and to see soul in all, and to love oneself. That all and everything is strictly between the ears. - See you in a few weeks honey-thinking of you with a warm feeling of love.

The writer-well what can I say my darling other self?-you have taught me spirituality, self reflection, and to love wanting nothing in return. You have said to me the most beautiful words I never heard, allowed my imagination to soar. Yes- man with the golden quill with a towering intellect. Reminding me of  many things seen and unseen, -recollection of past encounters-of times beyond time. The understanding of soul connections, of energy and to be able to face specific aspects of myself –thank you dear heart for you passion, caring, wisdom and sharing you heart with me for so very long. I love you so, I shall love you forever and a day. We shall catch up in eternity. I am so very happy that you have found joy, peace and your purpose-you so deserve to be happy. Words written said stay forever-yes they do!-love you my darling Cica-my otherself…. forever thank you for “Hero” on my birthday-but you always have been mine also.  And "Canon ". We shall do a better job next time.

……and  you my beautiful Italian dreamer, my earth angel indeed-my heart is filled the past 2 years. You have turned up in my life so very unexpectedly when I was in such a dire need-and the lessons you have taught me are just incredible. I think my father arranged for our connections because of his deep love of Italy; even his surname name means ”Italian” translated, now how funny is that ? Your kindness, tenderness, empathy, compassion  and love is a beacon of light for my heart. Thank you for all , for your daily actions of  love. And  so we go on-hope for a while longer. I love you-“handful of soft stones, fragrance of the moon” as well as your awesome photos and innocence of heart…” Unchained Melody” always.-Ciao bello- Grazie. Ti amo.

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