Friday 2 September 2016

Fighting for?

Image result for two dragons intertwined
I wrote this to s friend a while back-it is from an other blog, it bubbled to the surface of my mind, as I wrote my previous entry: "Real love".

For Anthony-

I whole heartedly do not believe that we have to search for love, it searches us out.  In other words-the soul knows and recognizes  its counter part. The soul purpose of existence is to be re-united with itself. If it is the real thing, one does not have to fight for it. Fight whom? —it needs to be protected, cherished and cared for. When we say-“ fight for it” it implies that there is an opponent that wants to take it away from you. Love is not like that,-love is  it is simply giving of all of self-whether we get anything back or not. 

Passion is simply the physical part of love, the higher self is beyond passion if it has transcended into the higher realms of existence through numerous lifetimes of incarnations-Then only that which is important for spirit comes into the equation—the term “been there done that “ seems to come into play. That is why finding real love-“your counterpart, your very own self”-takes eons, for the reason is that many lessons need to be learnt before one is re-united ; even then it is still many kinks that have to be worked out, that is why often “twin flame” relationships are so difficult—for the ego is an ugly animal. 

Genuine love is far beyond the physical realms of existence.  No need for leap of faith, no need for courage, no need to fight for—when found it just IS. It is not even important to be physically together—for love knows no distance, no time and is forever connected even thousands of miles away. The fight often is the fight with ego- for when we truly love, we let go of ego-that is very hard for the soul. Ego is the enemy, and it is within, not without! If you have to fight an external enemy- then it is not real, true love at all, - but possessiveness, selfishness and physical want. 
If one has an open heart- a giving heart and a loving heart- the counterpart will show up. The recognition is undeniable, for the two parts have the same vibrational  resonance—only intention is necessary! This is also why- appearance, age, gender, colour, race, roots, creed, education has nothing to do with love at all, on the contrary --these characteristics are expressions and illusions of ego wanting to have a hold on the physical; –and if one has found real love one does not have to be together, one does not have to communicate physically, one does not have the need to fear its loss,-even if the other is on an other planet, which is at time the case; for once found is never ever lost- can never be lost. Do you see? -this is the purpose of being, this is the purpose of existence, this is the purpose of God for us.

Joy, happiness, peace, serenity, contentment all flow from within for then you know that you have arrived home. The quest of numerous  lifetimes realized, and once more you are together; and finally you remember what you so long ago have forgotten that we are indeed half of one divine spark on our journey back to Source…and the journey together finally proceeds to its destination.  
But before all the above shall get life- the words below have to come into existence, these are the initial steps:-

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

-Red Dragon

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